Sorry iPhone 6+ users but your going to need to downgrade if you want a real-life Pip-Boy.
The much anticipated Fallout 4 will be released on November 10th, and as most people know, the collector’s edition of the game will come with a real-life Pip-Boy. A recent post on the Bethesda Blog confirmed that the replica will have foam inserts that fit iPhone 4/4s, iPhone 5/5s, iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy 4, Samsung Galaxy 6 and most smartphones of similar size. Unfortunately iPhone 6+, and similar sized phones, won’t be able to fit inside the Pip-Boy but will still let you run the companion app.
A post of the blog read, “As we wanted to stay faithful to the dimensions of the in-game model, any smartphones larger than the models listed will not fit inside the wearable device. For these large devices, out Pip-Boy companion app will still be available.”
The Fallout 4 Collector’s Edition is currently sold out in North America, whilst it is expected Bethesda will release information on it availability in European territories soon. While you wait for an update, check out this brilliant story involving a Fallout fan and 2,000 bottle caps.