Bit-Summit’s List of the BEST 8th Bit Games of 2021
Bit Summit has finally announced their list of games across PC & all consoles. They are either being released, developed or already released. Some of the games in the list are just little revisits to our all-time favourites from previous years, that happen to still be doing well this 2021. A lot of these games have already been mentioned in the Indie Live Expo, Indie World and Wholesome games Direct 2021. The list is incredibly long, so long in fact, that we couldn’t fit them all in one post. So, this blog will only show the 1st half of the games and the link to the 2nd half can be found here.
BitSummit is back and our games are glorious!
Find all the BitSummit THE 8th BIT games here: https://t.co/zwSdzsG0VN pic.twitter.com/vwe1ogS58L
— BitSummit (@BitSummit) August 10, 2021
List of 8th Bit Games
Say no! More is an Adventure, interactive-fiction game developed by Studio Fizbin, released on iPhone, Mac, Pc and Nintendo Switch.
Research and destroy is an Action strategy developed by implausible industries, the release date is To be confirmed, but will be released on Ps4, Steam, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.
Rain on your parade is a quirky, light-hearted Action game, developed By Unbound Creations, released on Steam, Nintendo Switch and Xbox one
A guidebook of babel is an Adventure-point and click puzzle game, developed By Starry Starry. The release date is to be confirmed but will be released on Pc & Nintendo Switch.
Song of horror is an Action-adventure horror, developed By Protocol games and is on PC, PS4 & Xbox One.
Tandem: a tale of shadows is an Action-platformer puzzle Game By Hatinh interactive and will be released on the 30th of October for Pc, Ps4, Steam, Nintendo Switch & Xbox one.
Spin rhythm XD is a Rhythm Game by super spin digital and is available on PC & Steam.
Pumpkin jack is an Action-Adventure Game developed By beep and is out on PS4, Steam, Nintendo Switch & Xbox one
Super cable boy is an Action-platformer By beep and is available on Nintendo Switch
Dice legacy is a Puzzle, rogue-like, strategy Game, developed By Destinybit and is scheduled to release on the 9th of September for Pc & Nintendo Switch.
Empires of the undergrowth is a Simulation & strategy Game By slug disco studios, it’s available on PC Now.
Haven park is a cute Adventure Game By mooneye and Bubble Studios, the game is available on Pc, Steam and Nintendo Switch
Behind the frame: the finest scenery is an Interactive fiction Game By silver lining studio, scheduled to release on the 25th of August for Mac, PC, Steam and Mobile (Android and IOS).
Hundred days – winemaking simulator is a Simulation Game By broken arms games, to be played on Android, ios, pc, steam & Nintendo Switch.
Trolley simulator is a quirky Simulation Game By Namari and is surprisingly not scheduled to release until the 1st of January 2022 and will only be available on Mac, pc & steam.
Hexhorizon is a Puzzle mobile Game, developed by By Gamecarpet, available on Android and Ios.
No longer home is an Interactive fiction- Adventure Game by By humble grove. Available on Mac & PC
No place for bravery is an Action RPGBy glitch factory, a specific date for release has yet to be confirmed, but we do know that this will be available on Steam & Nintendo Switch.
Button city is an Interactive Fiction Adventure Game developed By subliminal and is available on Mac, pc, ps4, Steam, Nintendo Switch & Xbox one.
Labyrinth city: Pierre the maze detective is an Adventure-puzzle Game By Darjeeling, out on Pc, steam & Nintendo switch
The use of life is an Adventure-RPG, developed By Daraneko games and is scheduled to release, sometime in 2021, it isn’t specific however, it will be made available for Pc & Nintendo switch.
Brave route is a Dungeon-crawler, rogue-like mobile Game, developed By Put up thumb. There is no specific release date, but it will only be available for Android & ios.
Two strikes is an Action Game developed By retro reactor studio and will be available on the 31st of January 2022 for Pc.
Mixolumia is an Action Puzzle Game developed By davemakes and is available for Linux, Mac & PC
Sonzai is an Action-adventure, platformer type RPG, developed by 2 odd diodes & top hat studios, inc. The game hasn’t got a release date yet, but will be made available on Linux, Mac, PC’s, ps4, Steam, Nintendo Switch & Xbox one
Ninjaman is an Action-adventure platformer game, developed By Scott popular / ninjas in Tokyo and scheduled to release in 2022, but will only be available to play on PC.
Connect is a Puzzle Game developed By connect developer team, they are still deciding on a release date, but what we do know is that it will be out on PC.
So to speak is another puzzle simulation game, developed by Erik Andersen and is scheduled to release in 2022, but will be made available on Linux, mac & pc.
Onomatopeya is an educational game developed By Studio Pomidori and isn’t scheduled to release until 2022, but it will be made available on Pc & steam.
Helvetii is an Action rogue-like game By Team Kwakwa and is scheduled to release on the 31st of March 2022 for Linux, pc, steam & Nintendo switch.
Chainer is an action game By Chainer developer team and has yet to be given a release date, but will be made available on PC.
The Soldat with twin arms is an action game developed By Bocchi-Neko and has yet to be given a release date, but will be made available on Pc & steam.
Live in dungeon is an Adventure RPG-simulation game By heaviside creations and is out on Pc & steam.
Frank and drake is an interactive fiction Adventure game, developed By appnormals team and has yet to be given a release date, but will be made available on Mac & PC.
Tangle tower is an adventure game developed By sfb games Ios and is scheduled to release the 5th of October 2021 and will be available on – iPhone, mac, pc, ps4, steam, Nintendo switch & xbox one.
Dim tower is an Action-adventure puzzle game developed By caffeine zombie and is scheduled to release in 2023 on Pc.
Sonic slash is a mobile action game developed By kanitama games and is scheduled for winter 2021 and will be available on Android or ios.
Tactical galactical is a Strategy game developed By Dangen entertainment, the release date is to be confirmed and will be made available on Pc, ps4, Steam, Nintendo Switch & Xbox one.
Smelter is an Action-strategy game developed By Dangen entertainment, and is out on Pc, ps4, steam, Nintendo Switch & Xbox one.
Lost ruins is an Action-adventure, platformer game By Dangen entertainment and is available on Pc or steam.
Metal dogs is an Action game developed By 24frame and has yet to be given a release date, but will be made available on Steam.
Evertried is an action game By Dangen entertainment. The release date has yet to be decided, but the game will be made available It’s available on Pc, ps4, Steam, Nintendo Switch & Xbox One.
Shaolin5 (少林五祖) is an action-multiplayer game, developed By Burger studio co. The release date has yet to be decided, but the game will be made available It’s available on Pc, steam & Nintendo switch.
Exo one is an Action-adventure, simulation game By Exbleative and is scheduled to release on the 31st of December 2021, it will be made available on pc & Xbox one.
2nd half of Bit Summit’s List here.
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