If you haven’t played Far Cry 6 for a little while, you may just receive a mocking email from the dictator himself.
Sometimes, you start a new game full of excitement, ready to sink hours into mastering it. But then, life gets in the way. Or something new tugs at your attention. And that’s totally fine! Although it doesn’t always feel great neglecting a game you spent hard-earned money on (gamer guilt, we’ve all been there), it’s natural to lose interest in things. You’ll probably come back to it at some point, and the game isn’t going anywhere, so there’s no rush – right?
Apparently not, according to Far Cry 6‘s enemy number one, Anton Castillo. Players have been receiving these passive-aggressive emails:

In the email, Castillo thanks the player for ‘giving [him] free rein in Yara’ and tells them ‘Yara is in capable hands’. The email then includes the players stats. In this email, the player has actually sunk a considerable amount of hours into the game. If it’s supposed to be fourth-wall-breaking, it fails rather spectacularly. Why would the dictator egg on someone who single-handedly took out 2186 of his soldiers? And the stat for unique weapons seems to suggest that there are more to be found: so he’s giving the player information that could lead to his downfall.
While the email appears playful (if a little irritating) the cynic in me sees it as a ploy by Ubisoft to get players back in the game so they’ll spend money at the in-game store. No, it’s not enough just to purchase a game anymore. You’re also going to be goaded into upgrading your kit for an extra sum.
These sorts of emails are nothing new, but they’re especially annoying for single-player campaign-oriented games. It’s not like you’ve got some big event or update to tell me about! It’s really just a nuisance.
Far Cry 6 is an otherwise fantastic game that you can pick up here. I can’t promise that Castillo won’t be blowing up your inbox, though.
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