It’s Fathers Day! So we take a look at some of the most influential father figures in video gaming
Fathers, whether they be biological or not, have a huge part to play in our upbringing. The care for us, pick us up when we’re down, push us along, make us interesting food at the best of times, teach us to ride our first bike and, most importantly, they love us. Father figures in gaming have also matured. Not just as far as graphics over time are concerned, but through the art of story telling & character building. It is true that the progression of graphics through the ages have aided in areas such as facial expressions and body language, but that hasn’t meant that any relationship ever to grace the virtual world has meant any less.
Here we take a look at some of the most memorable father & child relationships in video gaming and, I’m sure you can agree if you’d played the games, these relationships are definitely varied! No matter if the character’s father wants to abandon them, fight them, or sacrifice them, there is still love there… But perhaps in a more twisted way! Not all are like this though. There are a few father & child relationships in gaming which are genuinely tear-jerking to see progress. Enjoy!
John Marston & Jack Marston – Red Dead Redemption
Victor Sullivan & Nathan Drake – Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
Delta & Little Sister – BioShock 2
James – Fallout 3
Big Boss, Solid Snake & Liquid Snake – Metal Gear Solid
Ethan Mars & Shaun – Heavy Rain
Barret Wallace & Marlene – Final Fantasy VII
Joel & Ellie – The Last of Us