Our urgent appeal and sincerest apologies
Glitch causes items to be sold on Amazon for 1p
This is an appeal to all buyers who placed orders affected by the Amazon 1p glitch on Friday 12th December 2014.
We would like to take this opportunity to issue a sincere apology and appeal for the understanding of our customers regarding a software failure which occurred on Amazon.co.uk for one hour on the evening of Friday 12th December 2014.
This software glitch impacted a large number of retailers on the Amazon marketplace, causing all items to be listed for sale for only 1 penny across the channel. This glitch has been featured on several major news outlets over the weekend.
Unfortunately, as we are a small, independent retailer, this glitch has hit us quite severely.
With this in mind, we are appealing to all buyers for their understanding during this time, and with humble sincerity, would request the return of any goods which have been purchased during the time of this Amazon glitch.
So that the impact upon our customers is minimal, please note that Amazon are aware of the issue and are willing to provide paid postage labels for any return made to them for orders which have already been dispatched. This can be arranged via Amazon > Your Account > Your Orders > Return Item, at which point Amazon will provide a paid shipping label for your return.
We hope that we are able to work with our customers at this festive time of year to reduce the effect of the impact upon our company, our existing and any new customers, and all of the hard-working staff at Go2Games.
Obviously we are not alone in this and many small merchants have been affected, so we are urging customers to please share this status to try and spread the understanding of the impact this has had on smaller businesses and their employees who are directly affected by this event. We, and I’m sure many others, will be eternally grateful for any support we receive in this matter.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank any buyers who have already been in contact regarding this event. As you can imagine, we have seen very mixed responses and we have seen our busiest weekend yet in terms of service. Your positive responses have touched the hearts of our customer services staff, and we can only express our gratitude for the support we have received during this time.
Please be assured that we are seeking action against the company responsible and that we are in talks with Amazon directly to ensure a resolution so that this does not happen again.
If you require any assistance or any further information at all, we are available via Freephone 0800 862 0440 Monday – Friday between 9:00am – 5:30pm, or can be reached via email at customerservices@go2games.com.
Amazon are available to contact via Freephone 0800 496 1081.
We kindly thank you for your understanding and sincerely apologise for any inconvenience which has been caused.
Wishing you all the best for the holiday season!
The Team at G2G
Nikki openshaw
16/12/2014 at 2:29 PM
Think is cheeky to send me a email saying sorry u not getting ur item yet you say in s round about way that u will be compensated by Amazon .. !!! Not my fault it was marked wrong price .. Item was been prepared for dispatch and now get a email saying sorry .. Not happy with Amazon for allowing their suppliers to go back on their sales !
Liv Fewster
16/12/2014 at 4:58 PM
Good Afternoon Nikki,
Please be aware that this has massively impacted sellers, the loss as it stands has already been catastrophic for most small retailers on the site. It is not the fault of the merchants, as this was a technical fault beyond our control. All that we can do is respond to the issue in the best way we can to cause minimum incident for customers and for staff. At the moment Amazon have informed us that they have been working through and cancelling the orders to prevent further damage to the companies involved. There has been no official statement for reimbursement or compensation of any kind for the merchants, and it is important to note that the volume of sales which have already passed through are enough to leave some retailers and any employees in a pretty dire position. This is why we are urging people to help minimise the impact upon small local businesses.
We hope that this helps in understanding the situation that we, and many other merchants, are currently in.
Many Thanks & Kind Regards
The G2G Team
16/12/2014 at 6:44 PM
Nikki, you need to understand it is not Amazon you are getting one over on, it’s the small indie retailers that use it as a marketplace.
It’s not your fault it was priced wrong, but nor is it G2G. You don’t deserve the items you bought and businesses deserve to be reimbursed. It’s that simple.
Jon Balfour
16/12/2014 at 6:18 PM
I have cancelled my order because it was a purchase made knowing fully that the price was incorrect. I do not feel comfortable either giving them as gifts or like many reselling on auction sites. There is no one out there that can say they were not aware of the glitch prior to ordering. Its obvious.
16/12/2014 at 6:56 PM
I received your email today for the apology and I have to say I was disappointed as I didn’t know about the glitch until after the purchase by which point the order status was preparing to dispatch, I understand your position however most retailers honor mispricing as it is misleading
16/12/2014 at 6:58 PM
Wow nikki, you are a massive p***k!
16/12/2014 at 7:05 PM
Come on, Nikki. Not really the festive spirit we were all hoping for. Be as angry as you like with Amazon by all means; I doubt this will make a scratch on their books. But the ‘not my fault’ card? Wrong time of year to play it, I feel. And not long to go to get back on the Nice list either. Support independent/local business and everyone benefits. Your comment oozed corporate greed.
16/12/2014 at 9:40 PM
Not being funny but I doubt any orders actually went out, and it isnt minimum incidence for the customers as we come away with nowt. I’m with Nikki. Would you be so quick to reimburse if the glitch went in your favour. Amazon will have to reimburse and the businesses are exactly that, trying to play the heart strings with all the poor us small malarkey wont wash.
17/12/2014 at 9:56 AM
Hi Jenny,
You would be surprised at the amount companies have already lost through goods dispatched. Thousands to tens of thousands lost, which is too much for most! It is truly disastrous, with many companies now worrying they won’t be able to see in the new year.
Contrary to what you’ve said, there is no compensation being offered for the smaller merchants. And it is not Amazon who are directly affected but the sellers as individuals, many local UK businesses just trying to put together their living.
Due to the sharing of people’s Amazon stores and the links online, the sheer volume of the impact could see many putting a number of people out of work in the new year. People forget, it is not just the companies that are affected but everybody in their employment as well.
I just think it is unfair that businesses are being left to suffer from this without any compassion, no doubt facing bad feedback and negative emails from customers angry their not getting their “bargain”, no matter what the cost. (Companies would have to pay several £’s to purchase the goods in first place, more £’s to post out for orders.) When in reality, if people got together on this and cancelled the orders or returned the items, nobody’s lost out at all. Companies stay in business and customers can buy their pressies or luxury items for the correct price. Would you be so quick to say the same if it were your livelihood at stake?