Uh oh Hearthstone fans, look away now I say! Criticism has been aimed at Blizzard, as the company added a ‘Diamond Drek’Thar’ card that costs £20.99 to purchase. Yikes!
The latest patch for Hearthstone sees the introduction of this diamond version of the card, which makes it one of the rarest in the game. Diamond-tier cards are animated but do mostly work similar to the lower-tier cards too. This is what it reads on the card’s entry on the Battle.Net store:
“The Horde may have lost the battle for Alterac Valley, but the honourable Horde is proud and strong! Show that your Horde pride can overcome any enemy with this Diamond Drek’Thar Legendary card, featuring a special Diamond frame and animation,”
Sounds pretty cool right? Nevertheless, it certainly doesn’t warrant the price tag Blizzard has put on it! Many fans have expressed their opinions on social media, and they’re making it clear what they think about it!
“Just when you thought Blizzard[‘s] monetization couldn’t get any greedier,” added one unhappy reddit player. Over on Twitter, things don’t go much better either, with some suggesting it’s a bit too late for an “April Fools joke”.
“Diamond Drek’Thar should summon 10-drops because it sure as hell costs more than every single minion in my deck,” joked Hearthstone Top Decks. Another Twitter user added that they think it looks like Blizzard’s attempt at a “collectors item” instead looks like “they are trying to rip some people off”.
Let’s hope Blizzard sorts out their act and changes the price! For more Hearthstone news, be sure to check out our blogs here at get2gaming.com
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