In the immortal words of Shaun Skull “it probably is a crime! And if it isn’t, it should be“. Why is it that 18-year old me could get Metal Gear Solid V for 15 or 20 quid a few years after release, but most Nintendo games refuse to budge from the 50-60 range?
Am I salty that I won’t be playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land for a while because my ass got Elden Ring? Am I going to dissect the issue of gaming prices in general? Am I probably going to end up accidentally burning bridges if this blog makes it’s way to Nintendo against my better judgement? Yes, I’ll try, and hopefully not!
Exclusivity: Which is to say, because some Nintendo Switch games aren’t on other consoles, the boys in red have cornered the market on a certain selection of games. While definitely part of the story, there’s definitely more to it than just exclusivity. Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us 1&2, Ghost of Tsushima and Bloodborne are all exclusives, but their prices have dipped down the stripper pole of their initial cost drastically!
Like any good improv comedian, I don’t want to say “no”, I want to say “yes, and”.
Third Party of Conse- I mean Sales: In lay terms, the folks at PlayStation and Xbox develop most of their games FOR third-party companies. As a result, they can afford to reduce prices over time because they already made the bulk of their money through making the game anyway.
Cartridge Cartilage! Switch games are packaged in cartridges, whereas most of the competition uses Blu-ray discs, which are both cheaper (60% cheaper!), and hold more memory (on average). That said, cartridges are also much more difficult to make pirated copies of than Blu-Rays, so they’re not entirely impractical.
Brand Loyal Tea: In short, Nintendo has been in the game (figuratively and literally) for over 30 years at this point. They’ve made many great games and have characters tied to successful franchises that folks froth at the mouth for.
Again, a favorite paraphrased adage from YouTube’s favorite Britbonger Sweary Man of Gaming, “It’s not exclusivity, it’s holding a good game hostage”!
Product Poems:
Galactic Destruction King, Benevolent World-Eater… Kirby.
There was once a pink ball-boy called Kirby, who looked like a featherless furby. I jest of course, but there is some discourse on Forgotten Lands, almost found, surely!
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