Brewster has finally arrived in Animal Crossing New Horizons!
But you will have to find where he is first as he does not appear on the Island.
Animal Crossing New Horizons massive 2.0 update is available and one of the main features of this major update is introducing Brewster and his café called the Roost. In past Animal Crossing titles, Brewster runs the Roost café. You will need to find Brewster in order to convince him to run the Roost.
Find Blathers
First, speak to Blathers who you can find at the museum on your island. Next head to your pier west of your island where the small bridge is and talk to Kappn who will be sitting in his boat. This is new another feature that came with the Animal Crossing New Horizons massive update. For Kappn to take you to go anywhere on his boat you will need 1,000 Nook Miles. Bear in mind that Kappn can only take you on one island tour a day. If you didn’t speak with Blathers before going on the island tour. You will have to wait till the next day in order to speak to Blathers and then to go on an island tour.
Nook Miles can be obtained either as a reward for meeting certain milestones in the objectives or can be earned by completing recurring tasks. Kappn will take you on his boat to a small island.
Find Brewster
You may find Brewster on this small island by exploring around. Speak to Brewster and say that Blathers sent you to look for him. Brewster will ask if you can relay a message back to Blathers. You will also receive a gyroid fragment from Brewster. If you plant the gyroid fragment and water it on your island it will eventually grow into a gyroid.
Head back to your island and visit the museum
To get back to your island you will need to speak to Kappn. Once you arrive back on your island head to the museum and speak to Blathers. Relay the message from Brewster to Blathers. Blathers will then tell you that he needs to prepare the museum for Brewster’s arrival and will tell you that the museum will be closed for the entirety of the following day. The day after the museum will reopen and Brewster will be in the Roost Café which will be on the second floor.
However, this isn’t the only thing that came with the massive Animal Crossing New Horizons 2.0 update alongside Brewster, The Roost Café and gyroids being an addition the game also adds more new Nook Miles items and new DIY cooking recipes. Nintendo has also made a new paid DLC expansion pack for Animal Crossing New Horizons called Happy Home Paradise which allows players to take on jobs designing various dream vacation homes for a variety of different Animal Crossing characters. The Happy Home Paradise paid DLC expansion pack currently costs $25/ £22.49. However, if you subscribe to The Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Plan or purchase The Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack you will be to access it at no additional cost.
Animal Crossing New Horizons and Animal Crossing Happy Home Paradise are both available to play on the Nintendo Switch.
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