The Pokémon Company went for a darker spin with their recent trailer for Pokémon Legends: Arceus. In the trailer we see a researcher searching for Pokémon in a snowy mountainous area, in which he comes across some Snorunt. He moves into a frosty forest clearing, where he encounters a small red and white fox-like Pokémon before being attacked by a shadowy figure and scurrying off. The Pokémon investigates the camera, and it is revealed to be a Hisuan form Zorua, accompanied by Hisuan form Zoruark.
The two snazzy looking new forms have both been confirmed as being Normal/Ghost type, a type combination we’ve not actually seen before which is interesting.
Serebii Note: These two new Pokémon, seemingly Zorua & Zoroark are both Normal and Ghost-type Pokémon https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT pic.twitter.com/b7MxqLGWzk
— Serebii.net (@SerebiiNet) October 21, 2021
What to expect in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a new kind of Pokémon game set in the Pokémon world’s past. The game takes place in the Hisui region, which will later go on to become the Sinnoh region. Players will be entrusted with gathering information for the region’s first Pokedex while also researching a strange phenomenon that is causing certain Pokémon to go wild. Furthermore, new mechanics for catching and battling Pokémon have been added. There is no distinct fighting screen in the game. Instead, players use their Pokémon to combat wild Pokémon on the “overworld” map. Rather than encountering Pokémon at random amid tall grass, catching them requires creeping up on them in the wild.
As you can see there is a lot more emphasis on open-world exploration. The new Pokémon game appears to place a strong focus on the regional variations originally seen in Pokémon Sun and Moon and extended in Pokémon Sword and Shield. The Noble Pokémon also seem reminiscent of the Totem Pokémon seen in Sun and Moon.
All the new Pokémon shown in the trailers are either new “Hisuan” versions of old Pokémon like Growlithe or Braviary or new evolutions of existing Pokemon such as Basculegion, Wyrdeer, and Kleavor. Given that Pokémon Legends: Arceus takes place in the past and in a current region, it will be fascinating to see how the Pokémon franchise explains what happened to all of these Pokémon between the time of Pokémon Legends: Arceus and the present.
Pokemon Legends: Arceus will release on Nintendo Switch on January 28th 2022.
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