Now THAT’S what I call a pro-gamer move! The good folks at Riot Games have promised to donate all proceeds from battle pass purchases to Ukraine! That means all the battle passes from League of Legends: Wild Rift, Valorant, Teamfight Tactics and whatever my MOBA-virgin brain can interpret Legends of Runeterra as falling into! The donation period of battle passes will include those between March 5th to 12th. Proceeds from the League of Legends ‘Bee skin’ line will also be donated at this time.
Riot has also donated one million USD between three non-profits: International Medical Corps, The Polish Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières, which sounds like a plotline from Metal Gear Solid and translates to ‘Doctors Without Borders’.

“The war in Ukraine has caused an expanding humanitarian crisis […] Since it began, we’ve heard from players around the world that they want to help—and so do we… All proceeds from both Riot’s donation and the player fundraiser will directly support humanitarian relief in Ukraine and other affected areas.” – Riot Games in public statement.
Product Poems:
Dank Souls. Dank memes. Freddy? Liz? Dank Queens. Smash both. LEGO Ninja team.
There was once an AMIIBO called Belmont. Who loved to yeet axes in Vermont. With a whip and a thong, Chrom soon came along, and said “Lottie promised me a bouffant”!
Fortnite fresh, like minty so. Shotguns nerfed… A moment of silence.
A mouse, a mouse, my Kingdom or even Queensub for a mouse!
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