Graphic card-making company Nvidia was recently hacked by a Ransomware group that stole data, resulting in the company’s brief temporary closing.
In addition, parts of Nvidia have been ‘compromised’ due to coinciding with Russia’s own cyber warfare in addition to it’s… You know… Let’s just say the only Crazy Russian Hacker you’ll find me praising is this guy!
On the bright side, the group that hacked Nvidia has found itself getting hacked back in a fitting Karmic twist of fate. The attack is still being investigated.
Whodunnit? And more importantly, Whydunnit? Wouldn’t you like to know! Though I can’t be too mean, that’s something we have in common. The Ransomware group ‘Lapsus’ who claimed responsibility for hacking Nvidia, has posted screenshots threatening to release proprietary source code and directory listings, holding that information at a… Ransom (roll credits).
Nvidia hasn’t confirmed if it was behind the counter-hacking of Lapsus, though that hasn’t stopped them from accusing the company of being responsible.
What’s next? Well, there are optimistic and pessimistic likely outcomes to this. On the one hand, a similar cyber attack on Nvidia’s GeForce has seemingly confirmed a number of new games in development (or at the very least seemingly so). On the other hand, hacking groups like this have also caused company shut-downs (as was the case with Koei Tecmo). I’m leaning towards the positive end of the spectrum here, but time will tell.
Product Poems:
Apex Legends. Cokemilk Champions! Racing too? Hell yeah bro!
Gran Turismo 7. Vrewm. Shooty shooty bang-bang? Doom
There was once a young woman called Aloy, who’s south-end faced west like McCoys! Surely forbidden, so purely well-hidden, till coming under Lottie‘s employ.
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