fortnite update 20.20 adds loads of new content - Get2Gaming


Fortnite reveals the details for their newest update 20.20 which adds The Battle For Coney Crossroads, an all-new shotgun, and more.

Fortnite is a game that has stayed popular despite competition this can be credited to the regular and consistent updates done to the game, the battle royal seems to be given weekly updates and this week is no different, fortnight has given the information for the V20.20 which adds a new battle with the IO, an all-new weapon, and more

Fortnite has now entered the second month of chapter 3 season 2 this newest update has changed a lot causing many waves in the gaming community by completely removing all of the buildings for the first 10 days, this change heavily divided the player community it was reverted and it back to its original way adding a dedicated zero buildings mode for people who preferred the game without the buildings

the greatest edition for the V20.20 update, the Battle for Coney Crossroads. The battle between the sinister Imagined Order, or IO, and The Seven’s Resistance continues to rage on with the latest conflict centered around the centrally-located POI

much like before the player must beat three waves of IO guard at different points around the locations to help in this fight you gain seven sentries to fight alongside the players, The update ends the conflict that was occurring at Condo Canyon, with players now able to raise funds for another Armored Battle Bus and set of Turrets

Fortnite new weapon certain be to pack a punch

while Fortnite V20.10 unvaulted several established items for this update however for this update we are given the all-new ranger shotgun this shotgun has more range than other shotguns but only has one shot per clip, to make up for only being able to shoot one shit it has some serious The Common version of the weapon causes 117 damage, while the Legendary can inflict up to a whopping 142. The powerful new shotgun can be found from certain vendors, in chests, Supply Drops, and sharks

alongside this players can now make a vote for one of two items to be unvaulted the Boogie Bomb or the Rift-To-Go, both of which can be handy to help players out of a pinch. For those unfamiliar with these items, the Boogie Bomb causes those caught in the blast radius to spontaneously begin dancing, leaving them defenseless for a few seconds allowing for quick and easy kills if you have the right weapon, while Rift-To-Go instantly summons a Rift, giving players a chance to escape heated situations so you can either heal or find a stronger weapon, The prior item vote was between the Combat Assault Rifle and the MK-Seven Assault Rifle, with the latter successfully funded

along-side all of this there is a covert ops mission in the zero build mod, which means helping out the Origin one of the new characters that were released with chapter 3 season 2 players are required to finish both stages of each quest before time runs out to receive the next one. Those who manage to complete all of them will be rewarded with the Secret Sledge Pickaxe

with all this new content and the already fun game that is Fortnite this is certainly going to keep busy players entertains

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