Instead of unveiling the next free Epic Games Store title, Epic has revealed that it will be a mystery game.
The upcoming free title will replace Mi’pu’mi Games’ The Lion’s Song, an adventure game revolving around a cast of Austrian artists and scientists struggling with inspiration for their work. The Lion’s Song will be available to download until May 20, when the mystery game then takes over.
Epic revealed in January that the Epic Games Store had obtained over 160 million PC users since the store was launched in December 2018. Epic has spent over $12 million securing the games to giveaway for free. As well as this the Epic Games Store gave away 38 free games solely in the first nine months, which required Epic to pay the game developers various different ‘buyout prices.’
The Lion’s Song is the current free title up for grabs. You can watch the trailer for the game below:
It is likely that the Epic Games Store will reveal the next game that will be available very soon, so make sure your eyes are peeled.