What it’s like taking part in an employability workshop for the kickstart scheme
This is going to be a different post from me than the usual as my morning was very different from what it normally is. I usually start my mornings by looking up what stories and news articles I will be covering for the day, however, this morning I was invited to a workshop run by LLC.
LLC stands for London Learning Consortium, which is a community interest company that accredits learning programmes across London and the South East either in the workplace, classroom or via our extensive community provider network. Since the kickstart scheme has started, LLC has been chosen to represent many employers all over the UK and today, the company invited other kickstart scheme employees to take part in an employability workshop.
Employability Workshop
The workshop started with an icebreaker, which I find always gets you out of your comfort zone and interacting with new people around you. It was a round of Human Bingo and I am not sure if anyone was actually able to fill all the boxes (no one wanted to admit they liked country music). It’s always quite intimidating meeting new people, but as long as you know others feel the same way, you know everything will be okay.
The next part was the main reason why we were all there which was understanding what employability means as well as how the kickstart scheme can help everyone can gain these skills and apply them for the roles they are currently undertaking, but also in their career path as well. It helped me realise I need to focus a bit more on what I want to achieve in life as well as not allowing myself to hold back even when I might think the idea has already been done before or have self-doubt in myself and lead nicely onto the two guest speakers we had.
The first speaker was Michael Akinle (theakinleway), a personal brand strategist and people investor who gave amazing advice on building resilience in the workplace and knowing that it can build character as well as having an insatiable curiosity and tenacity with everything you do in your career so you are able to press forward in life in order to keep growing. It really helped me understand what I need to do personally in order to achieve my goals and he also gave great advice regarding finance when getting into employment and how to manage your balance, as well as the importance of credit scores.
The second speakers were our very own directors from Go2Games, Craig and Josh. They gave a speech about their backgrounds and where they have worked previously before going into how Go2Games came about and all the awards, achievements, and recognition the company has achieved which was incredible to see, as an employer of the company but also as an admirer of two people that have been so focused on what they wanted to do as a brand and how far they have come since then. It really made me appreciate playing a small part in something special.
Overall, the employability workshop helped me with understanding what I can do to help myself in my aspirations for my career and how to grow and gain more skills for my employability, as well as understanding you will need to build resilience in whatever line of work you join.
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