Turtle Rock have recently made an announcement stating that they have plans to add ‘campaign progression’ for offline solo modes in Back 4 Blood. This will be added to the game in a patch that is currently intended to release in December. Back 4 Blood’s main advantage over prior co-op shooters like Left 4 Dead is the game’s live-service assistance and tiers of growth that it offers. It’s focus on online progression however has left solo players short, as some progression is only available online.
As Left 4 Dead players already play the same material week after week, it seems reasonable to reward them and provide new experiences that will keep them coming back. Back 4 Blood, on the other hand, does not fully cover the methods that Left 4 Dead players enjoy. Currently, solo players are unable to access these progression systems. This is changing in December, however.
Turtle Rock has released a roadmap for Back 4 Blood’s immediate future, revealing update plans for November and December, as well as more general aims for 2022. One especially fascinating bullet point for the December updates is about solo play. Turtle Rock intends to include solo offline play with campaign advancement, which will be a significant departure from the existing concept of Back 4 Blood’s offline solo play.
Cleaners, the future is lookin' bright! Here's a roadmap of what's to come for Fort Hope. #Back4Blood pic.twitter.com/IHCvGqZXO0
— Back 4 Blood (@back4blood) November 8, 2021
Back 4 Blood’s solo play has been isolated from the game’s progression mechanics since its release. This means there is no Supply Points, no stat monitoring, and no progress toward Accomplishments in the solo campaign mode.
It’s unclear what Turtle Rock has in mind for their upcoming fix. However, “campaign progression” can refer to a multitude of things. If taken literally, the addition of “campaign progression” certainly suggests that solo play will stay separate from online multiplayer and its progression mechanics. Instead, it would open a new, distinct advancement route. Back 4 Blood gamers are more likely to seek something more meaningful, such as a method to gain Supply Points.
Rocky Release for Back 4 Blood
In Turtle Rock’s defence, the company recognised that gamers were initially dissatisfied with Back 4 Blood’s solo alternatives. Turtle Rock “heard your frustrations,” according to a tweet on October 8, and the team was “discussing ways to address the issue.” Turtle Rock’s December update will be the result of months of preparation and effort.
Back 4 Blood gamers looking for fresh content will be pleased to learn that more than just solo mode adjustments are on the way in December. Turtle Rock will also be releasing new cards with a new card type, as well as new Supply Lines to move through, a practise area, and even a seasonal event. Tunnels of Terror, a more major content upgrade, is scheduled for 2022.
Back 4 Blood is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Purchase it from our store now on PS4, PS5 and Xbox One!
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