Sledgehammer’s Call of Duty Vanguard Open Beta will be available this weekend, from today, September 16th, at 6pm BST and closing Monday, September 20th at 6pm BST. Unlike the Alpha last month, which was only available to PlayStation users, this is open for all platforms, although releasing differently for Xbox and PlayStation.
A closed beta will be running for Xbox Live Gold members from the 16th and a pre-order of the game is required. The Open Beta will start on the 18th at 6pm BST for any Xbox player with internet access and finish simultaneously as the PlayStation Beta.
The closed beta took place recently for players that pre-ordered the game, and YouTube is teaming with multiplayer content to keep you busy until 6 o’clock tonight if you can’t wait. So get it pre-loaded for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S and also PC now so you can jump straight into the action as soon as it goes live.
Reach level 20 before the conclusion of the beta, then a bonus weapon blueprint will be available to you on launch for Vanguard and Call of Duty: Warzone once the updated map is released!
For fans of Warzone, the integration of Vanguard into the game with the promise of an anti-cheat system cannot come soon enough as the problem with hackers has made it unplayable currently.
The franchise is giving the fan base more content than ever before on launch with 16 maps! That’s just for core modes. Their new game mode, Champion Hill, has an extra four to memorise. In addition, over the weekend, the game type Search and Destroy will be playable, much to the fan bases delight.
For players who weren’t fans of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, you’re in luck because the engine used for Vanguard is an improved version of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare engine. A lot smoother and adding to systems such as the mantling animation and blind firing, a new addition to any Call of Duty game.
With the delay of Battlefield 2042, many inpatient gamers will naturally accept Vanguard, as most FPS fans need a new game right now. The official launch date is November 5th, assuming there are no delays, and you can pre-order your copy here for £64.99!
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