Traditionally a mouse and keyboard is the best choice for gaming aspects such as shooting, although having a controller is a must-have for PC gaming. Many gaming controllers are over $100, which Sony are looking to change.
Sony are looking into users having a ‘non-luminous passive object’ as a controller in the future, which could include a banana. According to GamesIndustry, this could be the next great peripheral for playing games such as Dark Souls.
The patent application from Sony highlights that many gamers usually own one controller, and that ‘it would be desirable if a user could use an inexpensive, simple and non-electronic device as a video game peripheral.’ The technology highlighted in the patent will use a camera to track pixel contours and colours of the object of choice. This also allows a lot of possibilities through the use of motion controllers.
There has also been talks of a ‘two-object controller’, which is demonstrated by two oranges. This technology would use the two oranges as an example to create a single steering wheel, which could also allow for dual-wielding bananas.
At this time it is unknown if Sony will continue with these plans. If Sony use this technology though, it may be years before gamers can use a banana as their newest controller. The novelty of the technology is stand out and Sony hopes it will be an alternative choice to an expensive controller.