Buy Dragonball Fighterz now on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One or Playstation 4! Now, onto the review. This article will focus on the PS4 version.
Again, I’ve been around so many GAME and CEX stores selling this for 60 quid or more even long after release, so great to know the prices here are much better.
Dragonball Fighterz is a 2D fighting game developed by Arc System Works, whom bigger fighting game buffs (and fellow weebs, let’s be honest) will recognise as the devs behind the Guilty Gear series.
Gameplay, Modes and Difficulty Curve:
We’re essentially working with a stylish sonic-speed-paced action extravaganza in Dragonball Z’s clothing (itself another stylish sonic-speed-paced action extravaganza… Frieza’s “5 minutes” notwithstanding). You have your basic light, medium and heavy attacks, a light energy blast (the speed, power and direction of which varies character to character). There’s also a short-range dashing grab maneuver and a faster aerial flying charge that leaves the opponent vulnerable to aerial attacks and grabs if they don’t block you in time. Different movement inputs mixed with different buttons allow you to use more powerful energy attacks, which also comes at the cost of some energy bars which can be recharged, but don’t take too long powering up, because unlike the anime, the other guy will 100% deck you in the schnoz while you’re halfway through powering up.

The Story:
Your mileage may vary, but worst case scenario: You don’t know what Dragonball Fighterz is and will think the story is just average while enjoying the brilliant gameplay all the same… The best case scenario? If you like any Dragonball media, you’ll have a good chuckle with the joking references to the main canonical stories in the Dragonball universe, while also being intrigued with how the plot will unfold. It is non-canon, but as far as my head-canon goes, I say Dragonball Fighterz is worth it. Whether it’s asking how Frieza’s cold intimidating demeanor relates to the Ginyu Force’s high-camp or figuring out the mystery of how you the player end up controlling different characters’ bodies (physical possession shenanigans being a necessary evil to allow the de-powered main cast to fight off evil clones, no biggie), there’s always something to latch onto.
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