FromSoftware has hidden interesting secrets in OOB (that’s gamer-lingo for ‘Out of Bounds’ to you and me) game areas. Rumblings of an Elden Ring PVP DLC arriving have surfaced thanks to an OOB exploration video of Elden Ring by one Lance McDonald, trusted data-miner (and Professional Farmer Knight based on name alone)!
While no extra content has been officially announced yet, this Colosseum could alternatively be part of an upcoming DLC extension or just generally be a half-made asset left on the cutting room floor to save time. Like, there was probably some obscure as hell in-game text reference to Hogthar The Pot-Clopper being linked to a Colosseum and there was some ungodly debate among the devs whether or not there’d physically be enough space on the disk to explore the intricacies of his character with essay-long item descriptions as far as the eye could see… I’m exaggerating, but not by much!
As you know, I’m just as into teamwork and the Hashtag Power of Friendship UwU just as much as the thought of clobbering fools in the free marketplace of ideas… And by free marketplace, I mean £50-quid action game, and by ideas, I mean increasingly phallic and oversized weapons of intergalactic destruction.
Which is to say, Elden Ring already features both co-operative PVE (player vs environment/bosses) gameplay AND competitive combat modes, including the more standard “player invasions” for all you heathens, or you can partake in ‘Duel Invitations’ if you’d rather comb your handlebar mustache and wax poetic about how you studied the blade.
If you’re looking to get your mits on Elden Ring, have a butcher’s round our store for the Launch Editions!
Product Poems:
Dank Souls. Dank memes. Freddy? Liz? Dank Queens. Smash both. LEGO Ninja team.
There was once an AMIIBO called Belmont. Who loved to yeet axes in Vermont. With a whip and a thong, Chrom soon came along, and said “Lottie promised me a bouffant”!
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