For the last 7 years Bungie’s Destiny franchise has been the leading voice in the looter-shooter/ FPS RPG genre. Despite its initial poor reviews and numerous missteps along the way, the game has created a dedicated and loyal fanbase. However, even now you will be hard pressed to find a fan who doesn’t have some complaints about the game or its direction.
The most recent case of this is destiny’s lack of an integrated loadout system. Due to the sheer amount of activities in the game, there is often need to change out your entire set of armour, Mods and weapons. The Sorts of gear you need for PVP are completely different to what you need for general PvE, and that can be completely Different from the sort of gear needed for High end PvE such as raids. This is bad enough, but when you need to change up to 4 or 5 different armour mods this can get incredibly tedious.
While destiny 2 does not currently have an integrated loadout system, there do exist some third party sites such as Destiny Item Manager (DIM) that have similar functionality, but it all exists in a semi-jerry-rigged method and its a system that is not accessible for all players. As such a number of fans have taken to creating their own ideas for how the menu UI could work.
We could do this tomorrow.
All we need is Bungie to give DIM the same authorization that exists today within the Destiny Companion App. https://t.co/ofZn0Z1KjF
— DIM (@ThisIsDIM) October 3, 2021
Due to the sheer amount of Players wanting this change to come, It seems likely that it wont be too long until bungie adds this to the game. However, with how long it took to get a trasmog system into the game, and how negatively the system was received when it did finally come out means it’s best to be sceptical going forward.
Destinys next expansion, “Destiny 2: the Witch Queen” is set to launch on February 22nd, 2022, and is available for pre-order now.
You can buy Destiny 2 on Ps4 now from go2games.com
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