Ranked Mode in Halo Infinite has reportedly suffered from terrible matchmaking this past weekend, and has now been resolved according to senior community manager John Junyszek.
In response to an in in depth developer blog by the Halo Twitter account, Senior Community Manager John Junyszek has stated that 343 Industries has addressed and solved the issue, and “today [they] released updates to Halo Infinite matchmaking in an attempt to improve your connection in online matches.” They have also went into depth on how the game handles its networking, latency and more in the developer blog.
The team will be keeping close watch on the ranked mode and have asked their players to report any “wierd matchups” the players may encounter in the future.
Reports state that the past weekend has unfairly pitted highly ranked players with lower ranks, and the issue prior to being solved was only being reported more often. The problem has been acknowledged and is still being monitored to ensure ranked matchmaking is working as intended.
Halo Infinite is available for both PC and Xbox consoles.
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