You hear that everyone? Superman himself is behind the idea of him starring in a Mass Effect series. That’s all you need to hear. Now get it into production right away.
In all seriousness, if Henry Cavill is genuinely interested in playing a main role in the rumoured series, then why not? His name has been associated with the project ever since he teased it earlier this year. We already know how much he enjoys gaming, so it should come as no surprise he wants to star in yet another brilliant gaming franchise. His Witcher series has been a monumental success, and we cannot wait for season 2!
Speaking to GameRadar, Cavill stated this in regards to joining the project: “Very much so, yeah, all depending on how they’re executing it. The world of adaptation can be heavy or light. When I like a product, I prefer the adaptation to be less changed from the source, so it all depends.”
Referring to the reported Amazon deal, Cavill added: “”I think it’s found a home, hasn’t it? If [it] finds a home, I would love to have a conversation.”
As many other fans, Cavill main love for the franchise is the original Mass Effect trilogy.
“I did not play Andromeda – I had a go at it, but ended up being very busy. But [the original trilogy]? Yeah. Loved it. Brilliant games. It would make such a magnificent series of movies or TV shows.”
Deadline reported last month that Amazon Studios, which is responsible for creating original content for Amazon Prime Video, was “nearing a deal” to develop a series based on EA’s best-selling sci-fi franchise.
However, not everyone is excited for the potential of a series based on the beloved series. Former lead writer on another Bioware game, David Gaider, had this to say on the matter.
“I’m relieved to see that the Mass Effect / Amazon deal is for a potential TV series and not a movie,” Gaider said. “Even so, the possibility (and likewise for Dragon Age) makes me cringe just a little, unlike many fans who appear… excited?
“For starters, Mass Effect and Dragon Age have a custom protagonist, meaning said TV show will need to pick whether said protagonist will be male or female. Boom, right off the bat you’ve just alienated a whole bunch of the built-in fan base who had their hopes up”.
For more on what he has to say, check out our other article here. In the meantime, let us know what you think on a potential Mass effect series down in the comment below! Additionally, head on over to our store to pick up a copy of the legendary edition too!
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