Source: Nintendo
3 Ways To Get The New Animal Crossing New Horizons Villagers To Move In (2.0 Update)
Want the new Animal Crossing Villagers on your island next week? Ione, Shino, Sasha and many more! There are 3 ways to make this easy for you. 2 are by restarting your island and before you panic, this might be a great option for you…and the third option is either through in-game time travel or waiting it out. Let’s go. Disclaimer: Most of these methods require Nintendo’s online membership.
1. Restart Your Island
Restarting your island at the moment can be a pretty touchy topic, especially with all the new features coming along with the update and for those of you who have done a lot of progress with your islands, you may not want to start again…but I say, new features…new beginnings! Your can have fun with a new canvas and new world to unleash your creativity once again.
However, to make sure you don’t start completely empty-handed and get the new villagers you want, (personally…I’m going for Shino and Ione) then here’s what you want to do.
Step 1: Join the Animal Crossing New Horizons Discord Community, the Nookazon Discord Community or get the Nookazon App IOS & Android (or Nookazon.com for PC).
Before you delete anything at all, you want to get as many Nook Mile Tickets as possible. I’m talking about hundreds! To do this, you’ll either need discord to trade items for nook mile tickets. There are other alternatives, such as Facebook and Twitter, but I find that discord is pretty quick and convenient for these things.
Animal Crossing Trading Guide Here!
Step 2: Sell what you can for Nook Mile Tickets! Furniture! Fences! Villagers!
You want as many Nookmile Tickets as possible, you can keep any resources such as wood, iron, stone and clay, as those WILL be needed later. However, on the Nookazon app, you can make a listing for the desired product you want to sell, or through Discord, you can advertise the product you want to sell and put:
FT (For Trade): Desired Item or Villager
LF (Looking For): Nook Mile Tickets
Then once you found someone accepting your offer, you make the trade by either visiting their island or you visiting them.
Step 3: Find a Middle-man
Once you’ve gotten all the Nook Mile Tickets that you want or need, you’ll need to find a Middle-man. That is a player to hold your items for a certain amount of time while you reset and afterwards drop them off at your island. Now, Keep in mind that on the Animal Crossing New Horizons Discord you can only have a Middle-Man hold up to a maximum of 160 items (4 pocket inventories) FOR 2 HOURS. Maximum 1,600 Nook Mile Tickets.
In the Nookazon discord or the Nookazon app, you can negotiate the Middle Man prices, you’ll be able to find this option in Nookazon’s ‘Services’ Tab.
Having a Middleman hold your items can be charged for, but it can also be free (I was lucky to have someone hold 320 items for me, free of charge) that would have been in total 3,200 Nook Mile Tickets.
Animal Crossing New Horizons Trading Guide Here
Step 4: Restart Your Island
Now is the time for you to restart, to do this you have to go to your Nintendo Switch Settings and select Data and Delete Save Data, then choose Animal Crossing New Horizons.
Now That you’ve deleted your island, you can start over. Do all the necessary starting steps such as naming your island and talking to Tom Nook, all until you’ve slept your first night. Time travel one day forward and the next day, Dodo Airlines should be available.
Step 5: Collect your items from your Middleman
Communicate to your middleman that you are ready to collect your items, make the necessary trips, make sure you have all your items and then save your progress.
Step 6: Get The Town Hall
Now, to get to the Town Hall, you would have had to complete all the necessary tasks, such as:
- Build a bridge,
- Craft items for Timmy & Tommy’s Shop,
- Place 3 plots down for the compulsory homes and furnish them,
- Have the museum set up for Blathers
You’ll find that after you’ve completed all these tasks, the next day you should have an announcement from Tom Nook that the Town Hall will be refurbished. The day after that the Town Hall will be available (feel free to time travel this part if you’re feeling impatient).
Step 7: Talk To Tom Nook and Isabelle
Lastly, you’ll want to speak to Tom Nook where he will tell you that they want to have K.K. Slider perform on the island and to do this you’ll need a higher island star rating, he will advise you to speak to Isabelle.
Once you’ve spoken to Isabelle, she will tell you that in order to get to a 3-star rating you’ll need more island residents.
This is where you stop.
Step 8: All you need to do now is wait for the update and put the plots down only when the update comes out and you are 100% sure that your desired villager is available for trade.
Do this one plot at a time. You can look on Nookazon for traders and see who has your desired villager listed and buy them with the Nook Mile Tickets you saved up! You MUST put the plot down before you leave to invite them to your island.
Nookazon is the best and safest way to trade as you can see the reviews of people who are selling, it is best to go for traders that have over fifty 5-star reviews. This is the quickest way and makes sure that you will 100% get your desired villager without getting scammed.
2. Restart & Go, Villager Hunting! (Method 2)
You do all of the above except for Step 8…if you don’t feel like trading… When the update comes out, use the Nook Mile Tickets you saved up to go villager hunting. After you’ve set up one plot, keep searching until you find your desired villager and then invite them over to your island! Wait a couple days (or time travel) and then set up another plot to go hunting and find your next desired villager.
This method does take longer and is a gamble as to whether you’ll spend more Nook Mile Tickets or less.
Equally, you can wait until they show up at the campsite and lay down a plot on that day to invite them, but that may take even longer than villager hunting as campsite appearances happen once every week or so.
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3. Kick Villagers Out
If you don’t want to restart your island and you don’t have Nintendo’s Online Membership (but this method will be faster if you do), fear not! You have this last method available to you!
Step 1: Kick A Villager out!
Below is a method to kick villagers out (Time Travel Method) in order to get who you want, quickly!
To see the Full Guide Click Here!
Once your unwanted villager is in boxes, the next day there should be an open plot. This means you can go villager hunting to invite the villager of your dreams or if you want to trade online you can do so.
If you don’t wish to time travel, you can follow this guide naturally, it may just take a very long time.
Just in case you missed it…
Here’s the Animal Crossing New Horizons Direct for the update 2.0
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