Hyrule Warriors Legends
A recent interview with the producer of Hyrule Warriors Legends, Yosuke Hayashi, sheds light on even more characters being added to the Zelda universe – “I can’t go into details yet, but we plan to add new character(s) other than Tetra and King of Hyrule. There are fan favorites and surprising characters in the game, so I’d be happy if you kept guessing who will join the fight while waiting for follow-up information.”
With Hyrule Warriors Legends announced to come to the 3DS at some point, this is a great way to start or relive the experience, which was originally released on the Wii U. As we ll as this, it was confirmed at Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event that Hyrule Warriors Legends will come with all the DLC from the original title.
So many possible characters for the game are floating in the air! Perhaps Medli? Or maybe Saria, a more staple character? We shall have to wait and see!