It’s the end of an era for Ubisoft. The most senior creative behind Ubisoft’s Far Cry franchise, Dan Hay, has left the company after a decade. Overseeing arguably the most prosperous period in Ubisoft Montreals existence, the executive producer has decided to move on from his work.
His first production was Far Cry 3, the legendary FPS which was hailed by fans and critics alike. Since then, he has managed to produce every instalment since, with his portfolio boasting Blood Dragon, Far Cry 4, Primal, Far Cry 5 and New Dawn. He also had involvement with Far Cry 6, so don’t be afraid to pick up a copy of it here.
Out of the whole series, Far Cry 5 was his passion project. He worked as creative director on the title, which also saw great commercial success(Not as successful as this title though, sorry Dan). Take a look at this interview below, where he discusses his thought processes behind making the game:
Dan Hay Join Long List Of Ubisoft Departures
The reason behind Dan’s departure is that he would like to start a ‘new chapter’ in his life. After all, ten years at any company is a long time, so this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Nevertheless, it will come as a big blow for the studio. This is what they had to say upon the matter:
“Dan has been the Executive Director of Far Cry and has developed an incredible multi-disciplined team to produce what has become one of the most popular games in Ubisoft’s history. While Dan has not announced where his path is taking him, we are confident that it will offer him the new challenges and experiences he seeks and deserves. We thank Dan for his many contributions over the years and wish him all the best for the future”.
The studio then went on the explain who exactly will be taking over from Dan in the meantime.
“In the interim, the brand team will be led by Sandra Warren in Montreal as well as a highly capable team of producers and directors, in addition to continuing its collaborations with a number of other studios around the world.”
Unfortunately for Ubsioft, this isn’t the biggest problem they have on their hands at the moment. The French games publisher is still facing criticism after revelations of recent sexual misconduct, harassment and discrimination in the company.
As a result, a group of employees called A Better Ubisoft have demanded for ‘real, fundamental changes’ in an open letter to the studio. Gaining over 1.000 signatures from current and former staff, it stated that Ubisoft have only offered “nothing more than a year of kind words, empty promises, and an inability or unwillingness to remove known offenders”.
Hopefully, the studio will listen to these complaints and manage to come out better the other side.
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