The 2042 Battlefield trailer was released recently and pre orders of the game became available. However, all thanks to an error in their pre load on Xbox, a player was able to access Battlefield 2042, a week before its release date.
Aaronfrogy, Xbox user was able to access and play the full game of Battlefield 2042, which was not supposed to be released until November 19th 2021.
It can be seen, in video clips that have been recently published, that Aaronfrogy has been seen playing in multiplayer mode against bots, as there are no other players online yet as the game has not yet been released fully amongst the population.
According to publisher Electronic Arts, last months Battlefield 2042 open beta attracted 7.7million players. EA play members and pre order customers received 48 hours of early access to the game which lasted from October 8th until October 10th.
CEO Andrew Wilson stated, during EA’s second quarter earnings call on Wednesday, that the beta attracted a total of 3.1 million users during that early access period making it, shockingly, the biggest early access event known to publishers history.
EA play members will be able to play the free trial of Battlefield 2042 on November 12th 2021. EA delayed Battlefield 2042’s release date from October 22nd to November 19th, in mid-September. Despite this, players who have pre ordered the Battlefield 2042 Gold and Ultimate editions will receive access to the full game one week ahead of its release date.
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