After being around for years, and continually losing relevance in the genre it founded, PUBG has finally bit the bullet and will be going free to play. The Announcement was revealed during this year’s game awards. According to a press release on PUBG’s website, the free to play model rewards players that have been with the game for years while also offering Unique rewards to entice new players.
The Free to play Goes live on January 12th, 22. When this happens, a new “BattleGrounds +” mode will become available for purchase at a cost of $12.99. This will unlock ranked mode, Career and Medal Tab, +100% Survival Mastery Boost, Unlocks the custom Match mode, and also give access to a host of cosmetic items exclusive to Battlegrounds +.
Older players will automatically earn the special commemorative pack once the Free to play change happens. These players will need to have purchased the game by January 10th, 2022 to earn the items in this pack. How you get the items will vary depending on platform, but all eligible players will gain them automatically. If you are on Playstation or Xbox, once free to play comes in, you will not need PS+ or Xbox Live to play online.
PUBG has gone through the wringer over the years, with them distancing themselves from the games creator, the eponymous “Player Unknown”, and the rebranding to “PUBG Battlegrounds”, which I refuse to call it out of Principle.
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