Stardew coming to Xbox Game Pass This Autumn Along With A Few Other Indies
What is Stardew Valley Exactly?
Full List of Indie Games Announced
- OlliOlli World
- Stardew Valley
- The Legend Of Wright
- Inked
- The Big Con
- Lab Rat
- Sam & Max Save The World Remastered
- The Vale: Shadow of the Crown
- Lightyear Frontier
- Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous
- Aragami 2
- Aeon Drive
- Evil Genius 2
- The Artful Escape
- Pupperazi
- Spacelines from the Far Out
- and lastly…..Library of Aruna
It’s nice to know there will be a wider range of indie games for Xbox Game Pass users to grab on to and enjoy, as I’ve said time and time before, despite the fact that the indie game community is quite big, many indie game developers and publishers still need as much support as they can get, thumbs up to Xbox for helping.
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