This Wholesome Pastel Coloured Rhythm Game Is All You Need
This is literally the Rhythm Heaven you’ve been waiting for.
Source: Wholesome Games
Coming up in Early 2022, this wholesome Rhythm Game Melatonin developed by Half Asleep will be released. We’ve all been waiting for a Rhythm Heaven game to come to the Nintendo Switch, but none of them really ‘hit’ the spot. This one, however, I am certain will do the trick. Perhaps, even more, I feel as though Melatonin will bring more than just nostalgia to the table, but a whole lot of good vibes, relatable content and a new experience that’ll be a memory I’ll hold onto forever. I have confidence.
Melatonin is A Rhythm Game About Dreams” – Half Asleep”
Melatonin Doesn’t Sleep
Seriously though, the game looks amazing. The colour scheme, the animations and only what I can assume are levels, where the protagonist is walking from stop to stop in their dreams. Money, Food, Tech and others! It’s very unique and carries its own style. While it can be and has been compared to Rhythm Heaven (Paradise), Melatonin definitely has a vibe that can’t be compared. The electric lo-fi sound is very soothing, it feels like something you’d find on a ‘Study & Chill’ playlist. The music already makes me want to lie in bed with my Switch Lite and play Melatonin at 1am.
They plan to release Melatonin on Steam, Nintendo Switch and the Epic Games Store
Hey that's me and my game in the latest issue of Edge Magazine!!! So happy to get mentioned alongside a bunch of other amazing games and devs. Thank you @schillingc @edgeonline! pic.twitter.com/AgTSsbtzNo
— Half Asleep @ GDC (@halfasleepgames) September 14, 2021
Where can you Find Out More & Support?
You can follow the developers Half Asleep on Twitter, wishlist the game on their Steam Page, and keep an eye on their Website.
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