The thread thoroughly explains the thought process between areas in game development, and why NFTs will not work in practice.
Twitter user Rami Ismail (@tha_rami) goes into depth on how the development of a basic came of dice works, from the model and textures of the die to the sound effects to even lesser acknowledged pieces like gravity. The thread is fourty five (45) tweets long, and an interesting read if you’re looking into the complex mechanisms behind game development.
After the explanation, a rhetorical question is posed on tweet twenty three (23); “how the hell do you take this die to another game through NFT?”
In context of Ismail’s die game example, he goes to great length on explaining how said theoretical die could potentially lead to a catastrophic effect when simply placed into a different game. From sizing issues to gravity working differently between engines, Ismail concludes that the possibility of “NFT interoperability ever working anywhere like people seem to be imagining is closer to 0 than Half-Life 3 being announced as switch exclusive.”
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