We may finally get a specialized set for Xiao.
The Genshin Impact 2.6 update, scheduled to release in March, could bring with it two new artefact sets. With Kamisato Ayato on the way, it was somewhat expected that a new artefact set could be released in order to maximise this character’s potential.
If you don’t know, artefacts are the bread and butter of Genshin Impact, and generally the thing that endgame players spend the most time farming for. It can take months of resin in order to perfect the build for your favourite character. Different sets of artefacts provide different bonuses, and it can take a while in order to complete a set of artefacts with the right main stats, let alone with ideal sub stats.
Despite being in the game for well over a year now, Xiao does not have a signature/tailored set. Currently, most players run Xiao with two 2 piece sets providing attack bonus and anemo damage bonus. He can’t benefit from any of the four piece set bonuses right now. However, that may finally change in the 2.6 update.
New artifacts#原神 #Genshin pic.twitter.com/dx3BE14uCy
— Genshin Mains – Your Guide to Teyvat (@genshinmains) February 16, 2022
The purple set aesthetically links to Xiao, while the aqua one is possibly for Ayato. The Yaksha mask is an obvious tie, but the lotus flower in the second set is also reminiscent of Ayato’s leaked namecard and burst, which also feature lotus imagery.
The set bonuses have also been leaked and translated:
These are, of course, subject to change. In fact, there has been some confusion regarding which set is Xiao’s, as the cool green colour also could reference his design, and some original leaks seemed to reference adeptus lore for that set. We’ll have to wait to be totally sure, but new artefact sets are an exciting prospect either way.
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