Naugtydogs upcoming remaster (barely, the Ps4 versions look perfect and there hasnt been much dont but whatever) of the 4th and 5th uncharted games will let players transfer over their saves and trophy progress. As revealed by the official playstation twitter account, save date and trophy progress from uncharted 4: a thief’s end and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy can be carried over from ps4 to ps5
There is currently no word on the PC versions Save integration, as that version of the collection is still only set for a 2022 window of release.
The transfer can be done via cloud save integration with a players profile, with them needing to own the original ps4 collection and the remaster on the same account. Owning the Ps4 version and and getting the ps5 version will cost as little as £10, slough ps4 disk owners with a digital ps5 will not be able to get the upgrade. Players with the following versions are eligible for the upgrade:
- Uncharted 4 on PS4
- Uncharted: the Lost Legacy (Physical or digital)
- Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy Digital bundle
PLaystation Plus subscribers who own either game through the service are out of luck, buy the way. You need to buy the whole game for ps5 to play it.
A new trailer for the game dropped earlier this week.
If you are interested in picking up a PS5, you can register for one on go2games.com
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