This questionably-tasteful and hopefully comedic diatribe about Breath of the Wild R34 is partially inspired by this handy-dandy blog that popped up on my feed discussing the Fortnite Rule 34 community… Imitation is the highest form of flattery, so they say!
If you’re looking for a slightly more politically-minded take on the world of artistic adult entertainment, I had the time of my life writing about the Final Fantasy shenanigans that cropped up in an Italian senate meeting!
And while I have you, we sell a fancy-shmancy Breath of The Wild mug right here!
Rule 34, An Layman’s Summary: Tis moreso guideline than actual rule, but the term (and the NSFW website) refers to the following concept: ‘If something exists, there also exists p*rn of it in some deep crevice of the internet’!
This ‘rule’ sprang forth in 2006 from the digital Magna Carta that is ‘Dictionary Dot Com‘, posted jokingly on Encyclopedia Dramatica in 2007, then proliferated on 4Chan: A site incredibly famous for being a wholesome lighthearted and intellectually vigorous bastion of all things good and holy!
What on God’s green earth has this to do with Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild? That inspiration-blog listed up-top mentioned Fortnite as having one of the highest search terms in the Rule 34 landscape. No disrespect there, the likes of Maeve, Lynx (not the body spray), Tarana and Penny are worthy rulers all. That said, I have a particular penchant for material from Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild… YES, Breath of the Wild specifically! Can’t put my finger on why, but as today’s youth say, “it hits different“.
I imagine that’s probably because Breath of The Wild The Game was already a gorgeous Miyazaki-esque work visually, so that likely flared up the creative urges (and other organs) of budding artists everywhere, hence the usually high quality of BOTW Hentai… In my humble opinion.
On a similar, but unrelated note, voice actor Daisuke Hirakawa (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Free!, Demon Slayer Mugen Train, Great Pretender) started off in Hentai videos. Goes to show how even the most private and salacious of arts can play a role in contributing to recognizing talent!
And for a more mainstream example, Sylvester Stallone got his start in blue movies.
Finally, unlike last time, I can actually credit the artists used in the thumbnail this time! Inari, Nuezou, here’s to hoping you two have flourishing careers in your artistic endeavors.
Product Poems:
Yakuza collect debt repaid by Lannister. Honorborne.
Party? Study? Rebel? On my own time, my final fantasy.
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