Yesterday saw the reveal of the massively anticipated next Call of Duty game. For the past week or so there have been some strong rumours that the next Call of Duty game was going to be called Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, these rumours have now been confirmed as fact by Infinity Ward.

Not only did we get a trailer for the new Call of Duty game along with some information about the game, but Infinity Ward also confirmed one other major rumour that was circling the internet last week. That’s right, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is returning. The announcement of Modern Warfare’s return possibly gained more traction and attention than the reveal of Infinite Warfare as fans of Call of Duty have been calling for one of the Modern Warfare games to be remastered for next-gen consoles.
In the trailer for Infinite Warfare, we can see that the rumours of the game being heavily based in space were true. Many of the older Call of Duty fans are disappointed about the fact that the game is in space, that’s why remastering Modern Warfare was a very important decision that Infinity Ward had to make. Infinity Ward has been very clever with Modern Warfare as it can only be played if you have bought the Legacy Edition of Infinite Warfare. I can only imagine that Infinity Ward realised that the game wouldn’t do so well after the widely poor reviews of Advanced Warfare so decided to include a fan favourite to help drive up sales of the upcoming Call of Duty game.

Although the game is very different to anything Infinity Ward has released before, I’m sure it will still be a very good game and lots of fun. The big question now is which of the two games will have the larger fan base?
Check out the trailer to Infinite Warfare below along with a little teaser at Modern Warfare Remastered.