We may not be getting “west sausage” The Amazing Spider-Man Crossover, but next best thing is the Grappler tool coming back to Fortnite! Plus an icy variant to match up with the testicle-shrinkingly chilly weather right now!!!
Speaking of old weapons coming back, during October and a little before, Epic Games included an in-game voting system where players can vote to bring back certain Combat variants of weapons by donating your hard-earned gold bars to the cause. We also got the Shortnitemares collection of horror themed animated shorts featuring everything from indie art pieces to potential cash-grab previews of upcoming products to come, check my reviews for them round here!
How does it work? I’m so glad I asked! Here’s what you do, in totally simplistic and digestible terms: You angle-dangle your grap-dappler to a high up place you can latch onto, right? Then press the button that usually makes things go shooty bang-bang, but instead of doing the bang-bang, you’ll be fizz-whizzling through the air and yoinked up to your chosen destination. As for the icy grappler? Basically the same, only in Slushie flavour. It may be a useful tool, but it is non-reloadable and only contains 10 shots per-grappler. Speaking of 10-shot non-reloadables, I fancy myself a Harpoon black belt. Besides the combat uses, if you’re ever looking to get extra strong loot while fishing, just dunk your ‘poon into the wetness and thank me later.
The Icy Grappler is an Exotic ranked weapon, so you can only get it from a specific NPC, Fabio Sparklemane. It gives whoever is shot with it the icy feet effect, so movement control is more difficult and slippery. It may unintentionally make the enemy harder to hit with other weapons depending how far they run, but if you’re in a situation where the other bloke is close to the outside of the circle, you could use that to your advantage and push them out into the storm. If you’re on the receiving end of this gun near a lake or river, dunking yourself into the wetness can nullify the slipery slope effects of things.
The horde rush mode is still up and running, but get stuck in as much as you can, it gets taken down November 9th. If you’re looking for more Fortnitey funtime goodness though, you can check our store including everything from bundles for Xbox One X/S and PS5 to figures, nerf guns, bauble heads and a peculiar Monopoly version with unique mechanics.
And for those of you unfamiliar with why I depicted the Fortnite grappler as a muscular hyper-masculine anime boy, watch Baki over on Netflix, thank me later… But also maybe check JaxBlade’s breakdown of the whole context first just in case.
Fortnite is free-to-play on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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