Bloodborne Custom Characters
The undoubted horror that has arisen from Bloodborne’s custom made characters!
Admittedly, the guy in the picture above does actually look pretty darn suave, but BEHOLD!! There are some rather odd looking men that have emerged from the custom made section.
Critics are calling Bloodborne “the game you can’t miss”, but here we can see another reason as to why you should play this game. Bloodborne’s character creator is clearly more than capable of coming up with some very bizarre looking creatures! PlayStation’s Andrew Kelly has been busy creating these characters, which you can see below, as well as some made by users.
Nigel Thornberry has also made an appearance! Nigel is somewhat of an internet star these days, so having him created was an absolute must! The NeoGaf and Reddit game forums have also been busy with this too…
The guy with the pink hair and the face of a fly had me in stitches. I’d definitely play as him!