Rayark Inc’s Deemo II Could Be Released This December 2021 and Perhaps Nintendo Switch News In The Future
Potentially, looking in the direction Rayark is heading and all the subtle hints they’ve been dropping, we may see Deemo II release pretty soon for Android and IOS. So, what are the hints Rayark has been dropping?
Rayark has been working on Deemo II since it was announced in 2019 and have left their fans with a couple teaser trailers released mid-2020 and early 2021, then a website to go off up until now. The teaser trailers hadn’t revealed much and as an audience, fans could only guess the plot and a little of what the gameplay would be like. However, now all of that has changed since their most recent Tweets and their previous, yet most recent trailer.
Rayark’s Deemo II News
Little by little, Rayark has been revealing more and more about Deemo II on their Twitter feed, all while celebrating their 10th Anniversary. They’ve introduced new characters, their occupations and they even announced a game update for Deemo II, despite the fact it hasn’t been released yet.
Character Introductions
Deemo has briefly mentioned a few characters that will be joining, including the music teacher and the craftsman. There are also mysterious masked people who chase after the main character, Echo as seen in the trailer.
《DEEMO II》駅にいる人々……
各地を旅する音楽教師。優しくていつもエコーのことを気にかけている。DEEMO II事前登録受付中 https://t.co/d27rgBhTIk pic.twitter.com/alJ3cQ5lhf
— DEEMO / DEEMO II【公式】 (@DeemoRayark) November 29, 2021
Translation: “People at the “DEEMO II” station … Klaus A rough craftsman. Speak frankly without worrying about the feelings of others. Responsible for repairing station equipment. A music teacher who travels around the orchids. He is kind and always cares about Echo”. – Rayark –
Deemo II Beta testing Period Notice
Rayark sent out a notice to all Deemo II beta players.
《 DEEMO II 》セーブデータ引継ぎ無しクローズドβテストに関するご注意
クローズドβテスト開放期間: 2021/11/29 24:59:59(日本時間)まで
まだ全てのテストプレイを終えていないプレイヤーはテスト期間にご注意ください! pic.twitter.com/yEBOVVyFVt— DEEMO / DEEMO II【公式】 (@DeemoRayark) November 25, 2021
《DEEMO II》 Notes on closed beta test without save data transfer To all players: Closed beta test opening period: Until 2021/11/29 24:59:59 (Japan time) Players who have not completed all test play should be careful about the test period!” – Rayark –
Deemo II Update Notice!
《DEEMO II》 Ver.1.0.4 Update Notice “DEEMO II” will update the client of Ver.1.0.4 on 2021/11/25 12:00 (Japan time). If you have any problems with the update, please feel free to contact us at service@rayark.com. We look forward to your continued support of DEEMO II.” – Rayark –
《DEEMO II》Ver.1.0.4 アップデートのお知らせ
《DEEMO II》は2021/11/25 12:00 (日本時間)にVer.1.0.4のクライアントアップデートを行います
更新の際に不具合等ございましたら、お気軽にservice@rayark.comまでご連絡ください。これからもDEEMO IIをよろしくお願いいたします。 pic.twitter.com/O5WId8be0R
— DEEMO / DEEMO II【公式】 (@DeemoRayark) November 24, 2021
Deemo II Instagram Filter
Rayark has also released a filter to promote the upcoming release of Deemo II, which consists of white flowers, which can be seen in the main characters hair as a part of their character design.
中央駅に行くことができたら、その答えが見つかるかもしれない……《DEEMO II》Instagramオリジナルフィルター
エコーと一緒に:https://t.co/AK0A9mw1nA pic.twitter.com/d4bKpYLTUq— DEEMO / DEEMO II【公式】 (@DeemoRayark) November 26, 2021
BLACK FRIDAY Game offers! Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox and PC
Deemo vs Deemo II, The Differences in Gameplay & Nintendo Switch/PlayStation
Deemo II Trailer and Gameplay
Potentially we could get a Nintendo Switch version in 2022. Deemo II carries a lot of potential for the Nintendo Switch, just by the appearance, puzzle aspects, piano mechanic and exploration, it’s feels as though it’s made for a Handheld device other than a mobile phone. Considering the gameplay style, this would work great on a PlayStation or even PC.
This wouldn’t be the first time Rayark has released a Nintendo Switch Game, especially for Deemo. They’ve got two version of Deemo. The original ‘Deemo’ and ‘Deemo: Reborn’ both available on the Nintendo Switch, plus Deemo: Reborn available for PlayStation.
It wouldn’t be unrealistic for Rayark to release Deemo II on console as they’ve added a number of new mechanics to the game for those who aren’t the biggest fan of Rhythm games or perhaps Rhythm isn’t their strongest points.
Gameplay Differences Between Deemo & Deemo II
The gameplay looks magnificent and resembled an oil painting, mixed with an anime and 3D-game feel to it. They made it seem as though we are watching a movie. The first original game, Deemo was launched in 2013 and had over 25 million downloads in more than 100 countries and their moment. The original Deemo followed a musical narrative between a young girl and a mysterious third dimensional being named Deemo, the majority of the narrative is pushed by music. Rayark tested the waters with another Deemo game called Deemo: Reborn, which was essentially the same game as Deemo, with 3D elements and the option to walk around and explore the area. This version had disappointed quite a few fans that had high expectations for the game, they missed the 2D elements the original had given them.
Rayark took all of this into consideration, in Deemo II and mixed the two elements. Ming-Yang Yu Producer of Deemo and Deemo II mentioned that “Deemo II’s rhythm section will be far more dynamic with many tempo and camera changes.” Which is a different experience to the original Deemo, the tempo changes were subtle had image change and based on the difficulty chosen, however, Ming-Yang mentioned “these changes will help broaden gameplay difficulty levels” which means that those tempo changes will be a surprise to the player and aim add a little more challenge to their gameplay.
Ming-Yang also spoke about gameplay for those who don’t just want a musical aspect all throughout the game and added 2D and 3D elements through exploration and explained that they’ve “created memorable exploration and narrative sections. In Deemo II, you can play as Echo, the main character, and explore the train station.” In this section the player will be able to interact with NPC’s, solving puzzles and helping them with their problems, all while uncovering Deemo’s secrets.
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