Festival of the lost
Destiny 2’s halloween event, “Festival of the lost” dropped with reset yesterday, and this time around Bungie have fully revitalised the event.
Since the launch of “Destiny 2” in 2017, the event had gone largely unchanged. Same loot with few additions each year, same activity (the haunted forest) and endless memes about “homie”, a large, immortal hive boss with a big axe. However, due to the (presumed) destruction of mercury with the launch of “Beyond Light” in november 2020, which was the setting of the “Haunted Forest”, so this years event needed to switch this up a bit.
Prior to launch, we only knew so much about what was coming. The only thing that Bungie had shown off were the new armour ornaments, themed after Dinosaurs and with some HeavyKamen Rider/Power rangers monster energy, and a new day-of-the-dead Ghost shell.
The biggest departure this year is the Haunted lost sectors. These are horror themed modifications to Destiny’s typical lost sectors, and will tell a number of different stories, from a Exo Body fusing with a Vex Mind, a guardian on Nessus being hunted relentlessly for their ghost, and a headless monster on the Moon that searches for lost ghosts.
In addition to these, players can collect Pages from “the book of the forgotten” to earn bonus loot.
Alongside this the festival of the lost mainstay of masks have returned, with a number of new additions such as a Pyramid ship, Ada-1 and the Europan Penguins you collected back when Beyond light launched and haven’t thought about it in 6 months. Players can also obtain the solar 540 Pulse Rifle “Jurassic Green”… although its perk pool is kinda underwhelming, and especially when 540s are out of favour in the meta.
Players have until November 2nd to collect this loot before the event ends, so get out there and get farming!
Other Updates
Alongside the Festival of the Lost, A few other updates have come to the game.
In “The Corrupted” Strike
- Sedias knockback has been reduced.
- A Champion that was hard to find and defeat has been removed from the ransack ogre encounter. This should make it easier for players to get platinum champion ratings on their clears.
- A bug with the scoring triumph for this nightfall has been fixed.
In “The dreaming city” Location
- Taken Miasma would occasionally show up and block off locations while in free roam. This has been fixed.
In “Trials of Osiris” PVP mode
- Currency Reward lockout at 3, 5 and 7 wins no-longer reset when a card is reset.
- Playlist tooltip added to say that crossplay must be enabled to play trials.
- Trials passages only display a warning message if the player account owns a ticket.
In “Momentum Control” PVP mode
- The Maps “Anomaly” and “Dead Cliffs” have been removed from this mode only.
Some weapon changes
- The sunset “horrors Least” Pulse rifle no-longer drops at zero power. Bummer.
- You are guaranteed an Adept Nightfall Weapon if you complete a Grandmaster Nightfall with a Platinum champion Rating.
- Fixed a bug where “Shoot to Loot” and “Overflow” would occasionally double the magazine size on certain weapon types.
Ability changes:
- Fixed a bug where stasis titans could not sprint or use their light attack while in super.
And finally, some Vendor updates.
- You can now preview gears you can focus at saint 14.
- If you reset your Vanguard, Crucible or gambit seasonal ranks for a second time without claiming the ornament they will be available from the vendor.
- Sunset Materials (Destination and Tokens) now clearly say that they have no use and can be safely dismantled.
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