Destiny 2’s “Forsaken” Expansion, released in 2018, is going to be put into the destiny 2 content vault upon release of “The Witch Queen”, along with most of the seasonal activities added over the last year.
Last year, with the release of “Destiny 2: Beyond Light” developers Bungie Introduced a concept known as the “Content Vault”, a system in which old content will be removed from the game and put into a “vault”, with the possibility to be re-added later. The goal with this is to keep the games file size down and to make it more appealing to new players.
With “Beyond Light”, the entirety of the first year of content (the Base destiny 2 campaign “Red war”, The “Curse of Osiris” Expansion and the “Warmind” expansion, along with their associated raids “Leviathan”, “Eater of worlds” and “Spire of stars”) where put in the vault, along with seasonal content that had been in the game since the games second year, Such as “The black Armoury”, the “Gambit Prime” game mode, The “menagerie” activity, and most notably, the raids “Scourge of the past” and “Crown of sorrow”.
Now, Bungie is looking to do the same again with the Content from forsaken, however to a far laser degree.
Whats Leaving?
With the release of “The Witch Queen” in 2022, the following things will be leaving the game:
- Destiny 2: Forsaken (Campaign)
- The tangled Shore (Destination)
- The Hallowed Lair (Strike)
- Broodhold (Strike)
- The Spider (NPC). His role as currency exchange will be moved to master rahoul at the tower, so Dont worry about not being able to turn world materials into glimmer.
- Wrathborn Hunts (Seasonal Activity)
- Override (Seasonal Activity)
- Expunge (seasonal Activity)
- Astral Alignment (Seasonal Activity)
- Shattered Realms (Seasonal Activity)
- Harbinger (“Hawkmoon” Exotic Mission)
- Presage (“Dead Mans Tale” Exotic Mission)
Whats Staying?
There are a few notable items missing from this list which will remain in the game.
- The Dreaming city destination, Introduced in the “Forsaken” expansion, will be staying in the game.
- ”The Last Wish” Raid Will be remaining in the game.
- ”Shattered throne” Dungeon will be remaining in the game.
- The “Battlegrounds” seasonal activity will be remaining in the game, but in a somewhat altered state, and will be combined with the vanguard strike playlist to form the “Vanguard operations” playlist
- ”The Proving Grounds” Strike will remain in the game.
- the “Warden of Nothing” strike will remain in the game but will be relocated to elsewhere in the selector, potentially either the “Legacy” tab that currently holds the “Vault of Glass” raid or to the Dreaming City tab.
As for the exotic Weapons “Hawkmoon” and “Dead Man’s Tale”, which are currently only able to be acquired from two specific missions, Bungie has stated that they will eventually add a new acquisition method for them, along with their catalysts.
What If I havent Player Forsaken before?
If you own Destiny 2 but have not experienced the forsaken campaign, do not despair. From December 7th 2021, through to the release of the witch queen in February, the Forsaken campaign will be free to play for all players. This includes and strikes associated with the campaign, but not the dungeon “Shattered throne” or the raid “Last wish”.
For access to those, on the 7th of December Bungie will release the “Forsaken Pack”, Which grants access to the raid and dungeon, along with 3 “Forsaken Exotic Cyphers” which can be used to instantly unlock your choice of 3 forsaken exotic weapons. Players who already Own forsake will get the pack for free, and players who already own all of the exotic weapons will receive Ascendent shards instead of the exotic cyphers.
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