Elden Ring has been a fantastic addition to FromSoftware’s series of Souls games, although not being a direct sequel – it plays very much like the previous games albeit much smoother and with some additional mechanics.
In Elden Ring, Miracles return in the form of Incantations. These are Faith based spells that focus on lightning damage and healing magic. In order to use them you will need a Sacred seal equipped, as well as memorizing the Incantation at a Site of Grace. You will also need to meet the necessary Faith requirements to equip and use the spell.
For those of you who are looking to find some Faith based incantations to add some lightning abilities to your arsenal – look no further.
Where to Find Early Game Lightning Abilities In Elden Ring
The following is a video which shows the necessary steps to find the Dragon Cult Prayerbook and how to purchase the Incantations. Thanks to Twitch streamer Vet for capturing the footage to show the location.
Step 1: Travel to the Artist’s Shack Site of Grace, marked on the map below.

Step 2: Defeat the Golden Knight and he will drop the Dragon Cult Prayerbook. This item can be exchanged with certain NPCs to learn new Incantations – faith-based spells with varying effects.
Step 3: Travel to the Roundtable Hold. Speak to Brother Corhyn. Give him the Prayerbook and he will teach you three lightning Incantations – Lightning Spear, Honed Bolt and Electrify Armament.
Step 4: Ensure you have the necessary Faith stat to equip the spell, as well as a Sacred Seal equipped. Rest at a Site of Grace and memorize your chosen Incantation after purchasing it from Corhyn. You can now use your chosen Incantations!
Elden Ring is available to purchase across all relevant platforms from our store now!
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