Good morrow knavlings! Elden Ring and Souls games in general have a wealth of influences about them from mythology to manga, but now seems to be the series’ first crack at a cheeky Star Wars reference.
Not only can you make a Darth Maul build here, but you can also take to the battlefield with a certain set of fist-claws eerily similar to everyone’s favorite Canadian X-Man.
Have a butcher’s round our store if you want in on the Elden Ring Launch Editions. Now, let’s find out how to join the dark side!
Elden Ring has a variety of spells and classes you can fiddle about with to find what works for you. For the Darth Maul experience, you’ll need to look for the Twinblade and unlock the bloodflame blade ability. Once you have both, all you’ll have to do from there is put the lime in the coconut and drink em both up. Then boom, you have an in-universe lightsaber! Thanks to Professional Redditteer u/Night_Parad0x for being the first or among the first to post the results.
So I found out that using the Twinblade + Bloodflame Blade basically makes you into Darth Maul. from Eldenring
Style or Substance? The weapon-spell combination seems an effective one, mainly for DPS combat builds.It takes a lot of your stamina while active, but dishes out a lot of damage, so specializing in this early-game would basically make you a glass canon. So honestly? A little bit of both. Plus the character creator gives you plenty of options to lean hard into the roleplaying as a true sith lord. Speaking of Sith, you can find out how to get early-game lighting powers right here!
Okay Joseph Stalling, how do I get it? First you have a gander round the middle of Agheel Lake, right by the Dragon-Burnt Ruins… Still not as cool-sounding as Avatar’s “DRAGON BONE CATACOMBS” but I’ll take it. Get to the building without an entry point, yoink yourself over the wall with your trusty steed and ey-presto, the twinblades should be chilling in a basement chest. There’s also an optional dragon boss in that area, but you’re a strapping lad with some pep in your step, I’m sure you’ll manage!
For Fighting Flame Wars: You can get the Bloodflame Blade spell by killing a Teardrop Scarab in Liurnia of the Lakes, which you can fast-travel to once you find it! There are a couple scarabs out there, so if you end up vibe-checking the wrong one, just channel your inner Wild Hunt and you’ll have the skill in no time.
Product Poems:
Apex Legends. Cokemilk Champions! Racing too? Hell yeah bro!
Gran Turismo 7. Vrewm. Shooty shooty bang-bang? Doom
There was once a young woman called Aloy, who’s south-end faced west like McCoys! Surely forbidden, so purely well-hidden, till coming under Lottie‘s employ.
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