Is it time for us to rejoin the war?
Ubisoft has announced that the new season of the unique, long-standing gaming title, For Honor, is available on December 9th. The latest chapter, titled Frozen Shores, marks the 4th season of the 5th year for the game. For Honor has maintained a solid player base all this time, remaining popular among its loyalists.
In Frozen Shores, all factions are recovering from losses caused by the Tempest, “except for mysterious ships that have navigated the rising waters of Heathmoor and ended up at the docks.” A new cinematic trailer also gives players a glimpse at what to expect when the new season launches.
From December 9th until December 30th, For Honor will introduce a new, limited-time event named Frostwind Celebrations. During this event, players will be able to progress through a Free Event Pass and gain access to a collection of rewards, including a Paired-Emote, a new Battle Outfit, an Effect, as well as an Ornament.
Players can also expect new weapons as loot and, for £7.50, players can purchase a Battle Pass with premium content including new Battle Outfits, Ornaments, Execution, Podium and Effects.
In addition to Year 5 Season 4, a later update, Title Update 2, will also bring a new hero, along with other content and rewards, on January 27th. The Covenant Games will also make a return on February 17th, allowing play of the Carousel of Horkos game mode, with rewards including a Battle Outfit and an Ornament as well as an Effect, while a Throwback Event called the Black Prior’s Riposte will also bring back original rewards and weapons on March 3rd.
Testing Grounds will also feature new improvements to the Shinobi, which will be added to For Honor on the season launch date. For Honor will also have another phase of Testing Grounds from December 30th to January 6th, focusing on the Dominion game mode and Conqueror. Changes for Dominion will include capture speed, renown, hardpoints alongside other UI improvements.
In other news, October and November have seen some big next-gen titles released, including Call of Duty: Vanguard, Battlefield 2042, FIFA 22, Far Cry 6, and Left 4 Dead’s spiritual successor, Back 4 Blood. You can purchase all of these titles, as well as pre-ordering the Halo Infinite Campaign, Elden Ring and any other games from our Go2Games website.
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