Oh, New World, New World, New World. My dearest roast-pet. You sweet little mechanic-banning ragamuffin. You character creation-stopping little cutie pie! We KNEAD! Nay, KNEED! Nay, NEED… To talk about branding.
Amazon recently released a statement confirming plans to crack down on the problem of bots in New World. As a result, thousands of in-game bot accounts have been banned… I’m sorry, the fact I’m more surprised that the New World team HAVEN’T purposely wiped swathes of it’s player base from itself is probably more telling about the game’s reception than you think!
So, you win this time Amazon! You’ve been spared this time around from the ritualistic roasting I partake in whenever some new glitch or bug pops up in New World. Parting from that pastime for the remainder of this blog is such sweet sorrow, but I shall… If I can help it.
Goodbye Roast-Master Steff, hello Stefanham Subtle-Tea.
An Apt Summary Of The Nature of Bots: A great many video games use bots to varying degrees. For example: Sometimes, when Fortnite matches are a few players short of the usual Full Monty (100 player combatants), the game will slap-dash a handful of bots to make the difference. Many bots in contemporary digital media are made or inserted by players for a variety of reasons, ranging from hacking and scams, to advertising and grinding (not in the fun way). While banning bot accounts is useful, this is only a temporary solution to a self-perpetuating problem that requires ways of systematically making it harder for bot accounts to be made.
On The Bot Problem: It appears the bots of New World aren’t just any run-of-the-mill vagabonds, but in fact, mostly high-level warriors that have been spawning at quite an alarming rate. These heathens have even been harvesting important materials set aside for players!
If I may be so bold, this is a most-unfair experience to have to go through indeed. I mean, going about your day in The New World without a care in it, only to find out your lands have been virtually COLONISED by the robot uprising Stephen Hawking tried to tell us about!
Statements From The Amazon On The Bot Problem:
“We’re aware of player reports about increased bot activity in New World. Bots pose a persistent challenge for MMOs, and our team has deployed dedicated resources and tooling to identify and combat them”
“We banned over 7,700 accounts for using bots. Our goal is to ensure New World is fun and fair for all players. We’ll post updates to the New World forums and Twitter as we have them”.
Good, Bad and Ugly News: While Amazon is taking steps to fix this problem, a great many others still exist in New World, including the item-duplication bug that’s lead to in-game trading posts getting #Cancelled.
On the bright side, New World has seen incredibly generous reductions to the game’s housing tax system, but that does ring a little hollow considering the company owner practically owns the free market in real life!
Product Poems:
GTA, what a game, horses, farms and all that hay. It’s J-Bae!
Pre-Order Hoarder, PS4 and 5. I smash bros like- ORA!
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