Here is a guide to help you prepare for one of the strongest DPS characters in Genshin Impact.
Ganyu is one strongest DPS characters you can find in Genshin Impact. This Cryo bow user’s main source of damage is her charged shot attack. She can therefore deal a lot of damage consistently, as she is not burst dependent like many other DPS characters such as Xiao or Itto. Many have been waiting for around a year for the return of Ganyu, and who knows when she’ll be back after this coming rerun? Not every 5 star character can be MiHoYo’s favourite *cough* tartaglia *cough*.
If you’re planning on obtaining the Secretary of the Liyue Qixing, here is a handy guide to help you prepare for her.
Quick disclaimer: reruns for 2.4 have not been confirmed by MiHoYo. They have, however, been confirmed by many reputable leakers, and it is widely accepted that Ganyu and Xiao reruns will arrive in Genshin 2.4.
Full credits to WorldOfTeyvat on Twitter for the infographic included in this article.
Like every Cryo character, Ganyu will require Shivada Jade for ascensions. You will need 1 sliver, 9 fragments, 9 chunks, and 6 gems. You should be able to acquire enough of these while obtaining 46 Hoarfrost Cores from the Cryo Regisvine. You can also craft them or transform other gems into cryo ones.
If you’re a veteran player, you may have enough Whopperflower drops already. If not, you’ll need to start hunting those pesky flowers down. You’ll need 18 Whopperflower Nectar, 30
Shimmering Nectar, and 36 Energy Nectar. Again, you can craft the smaller ones into the higher-rarity ones, if needs be.
Lastly, and most frustratingly, you’ll need 168 Qingxin flowers to fully ascend Ganyu. Thankfully, these can now be obtained much faster by planting them in your Teapot. You may need to find more of them in the open world though, and they can be found on mountaintops in Liyue. If you have Qiqi or Yanfei, they can be helpful for showing Liyue’s native resources on the map.
You’re going to need a hefty chunk of Mora for ascensions, 420k for the ascension alone. And that doesn’t even include the levelling. To bring Ganyu to level 90, you’ll need 432 Hero’s Wit and 1,672,000 mora. Yes, it takes over 2 million mora to fully ascend a character….
Talents are an even more expensive endeavour. Ganyu’s talent books are the Diligence series, rather fitting for the dedicated member of the Liyue Qixing. To completely max out her talents, you’ll need 9 Teachings of Diligence, 63 Guides to Diligence, and 114 Philosophies of Diligence. These can be farmed from Taishan Mansion domain on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. You’ll also need 3 crowns from events (if you plan on triple crowning her, of course), and even more Whopperflower drops. You’ll need 18 Whopperflower Nectar, 66 Shimmering Nectar, and 93 Energy Nectar.
You also need to be beating up our favourite Snezhnayan ginger, Childe, at the Golden House once a week. The material you’ll need from him is Shadow of the Warrior. Again, if you’re unlucky with drops you can use transformation materials to craft the ones you need.
Lastly, the cost of fully levelling all these talents is 4,950,000 Mora.
Altogether, the cost is… 7,042,000 Mora. YEESH. Maximising a character is a very expensive goal. I only recommend doing this if you really love the character, enjoy their playstyle, and are intent on them doing maximum damage. In total this costs about 180 condensed resin (or 360 resin), and that is not even including artefacts – which can be a much more grueling process. Thank you WorldOfTeyvat for this stat!
When it comes to artefacts, there are a few different options you can run with Ganyu. The easiest to use and usual choice for veterans is the 4-piece Wanderer’s set, which buffs charged attacks by 35%. However, this set is not farmable, and you may have not been lucky with drops. You can at least use the Artefact stronghold box to obtain them now, but even then this is extra costly and you may not get good drops.
Personally, I am planning on running 4-piece Retracing Bolide, if I get Ganyu. This set is slightly restrictive, as you need to have a shield active to benefit from the effect of a 40% normal and charged attack increase. However, if you have Zhongli – it’s not really an issue. It does mean that Ganyu’s damage will be lower in 4 person co-op, where you cannot bring your own shield, but who honestly cares. It’s a farmable set, and useable on a lot of characters that work with normal attacks. The only issue is it’s pretty dependent on having Zhongli in your party, as it’s difficult to maintain 100% shield uptime with any other shield character. It can work if you pair her with a well-built Diona, Noelle, etc, but it may be more difficult to maintain.
The other option is to utilise freeze Ganyu with the 4-piece Blizzard Strayer set. You’ll likely want Xingqiu in your party for this build. Kokomi can work fantastically as well here. It isn’t the easiest to maintain, as Ganyu’s attacks are slow and it’s difficult to keep switching to a hydro party member while playing her. it does, however, let you skimp on crit rate by providing up to 40% extra.
The last option, which is probably the easiest to use, is 2-piece Blizzard Strayer and 2-piece Gladiator/Shimenawa. This gives you 15% cryo damage bonus and 18% attack bonus. Pretty simple stuff. I only recommend this if you have amazing substats on these pieces, or are lacking decent pieces to make one of the 4-piece sets.
Hopefully, having read this guide, you’re now well-informed on how to prepare for Ganyu. Best of luck to those who decide to pull for her! I’m still torn between Ganyu and an Itto constellation. I guess we’ll have to see what happens!
Still building, the one and Oni, Arataki Itto? Check out this guide and damage showcase!
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