It can be near-impossible to get the specific standard 5 star you want, but could a future update change that?
There are two main banners in Genshin Impact from which you can obtain 5 star characters: the standard banner and the limited banner. The limited banner features 5 stars that can’t be obtained at other times, while the standard banner features a permanent selection of characters and weapons. The thing is, the standard five star characters are also featured on the limited banner. There’s a 50/50 chance of getting either the limited character or one of the permanent 5 stars. So there’s not really a huge incentive to pull on the standard banner, except to use your free fates (or if you’re desperately scrambling for Kaeya, Amber, or Lisa constellations).
The thing is, though, while there is a way to guarantee you will obtain a 5 star character (if you lose the first 50/50, the following one is guaranteed to be the limited character), there’s no way to obtain a specific five star. You just have to hope that the banner gives you the one you want. I’ve been playing since launch, and while I have obtained 4 Dilucs, 2 Qiqis, and 3 Keqings, I don’t have a single Jean or Mona. Which is rather tragic, as Jean was the character that attracted me to Genshin Impact initially. Some people have sent thousands trying to get their hands on Diluc, but to no avail.
So, suffice to say, an alternative mode of obtaining these characters would be very welcome.
A method to obtain standard banner weapons and possibly chars. This would ofc not be through gacha. The exact release date is unknown however it would be around mid-way through 2022 at best if it does come.
— UBatcha (@Ubatcha1) December 14, 2021
Prominent leaker UBatcha has been that this information is questionable, however, so it’s best we do not get our hopes up too much. It’s also unclear what this alternative method would entail: would MiHoYo ever start outright selling weapons at flat prices? I guess we can only wait and see!
Genshin Impact is available to download and play for free on PC, mobile, and PS4, as well as the PS5. If you haven’t been able to get your hands on the new PlayStation console, register your interest at our shop.
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