By all original metrics Halo infinite should have been out a year ago at this point, as a launch title for the Xbox Series X/S. However after some worries regarding the games original trailer Microsoft elected to delay the game until 2021. The game is now set to launch on december 8th and will be available to owners of the Xbox game pass on Xbox and on PC.
However recent rumors seem to suggest that the multiplayer portion of the game could launch as soon as this monday.
The Rumor comes from two leakers on twitter, @halodotapi and @Surasia4. Halodotapi was first, posting the official image that microsoft used to promote the multiplayer with the caption “Heros of Reach – november 15 2021”, and later replied to Xbox Directly With the line “infinite next week”. Halodotapi have also promised to give $100 to a random follower if they are wrong.
Heroes of Reach – November 15, 2021 #HaloInfinite pic.twitter.com/zLESxO6Bcs
— HaloDotAPI (@halodotapi) November 11, 2021
Infinite next week
— HaloDotAPI (@halodotapi) November 11, 2021
@Surasia4 replied to someone on twitter around the same time, with the first user expressing gratitude that Halo Infinite wasnt coming in december and Surasia4 responding simply with the cryptic “you’ll see”
you'll see
— Surasia | Ringworld (@Surasia4) November 11, 2021
November 15th is the 20th anniversary of the launch of HALO Combat Evolved, so seeing something halo related arround that time wouldnt be unlikely, and given that some games journalists recently got a hands on preview of the multiplayer it would be safe to say that the mode is “ready to ship”. However on a personal level I feel a pre-mature release is unlikely.
Microsoft is holding a special broadcast on the 15th, which if this is true may mean that they use the launch of the multiplayer to cap-off the stream.
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