John Carpenter, Professional Gigachad Director Lad behind The Thing, Halloween and They Live recently ‘twet’ (tweeting in the past-tense, you see) his enjoyment of Halo Infinite, praising the ‘immense beautiful production design’. Even calling it the best of the Halo series. And with fixes for the game already confirmed, seems the main issues with the game’s multiplayer will be getting ironed out, hell yeah!
“This is now a dream! Phew. Time to rewatch Prince of Darkness” – Frank O’Connor (Halo Franchise Director).
Elon Musk also commented, praising the Halo Infinite campaign, but as is mandated by the CEO of Antifa, I am legally obligated to direct your attentions to Abigail Thorn’s philosophical analysis of Elongated Musket and ‘tech-daddy‘ concepts in general… BUT! As someone with a couple mates who also like the guy, you may also have this cheeky partially-praising meme in his honor:
The Halo Infinite devs at 343 say the Big Team Battle mode should be getting fixed up this week, plus a ‘Halo Infinite Cyber Showdown’ event is dropping tomorrow!
The devs also announced a reduction in prices for the in-game micro-transaction store, which is all well and good… Though in mentioning this, I’m also divinely moved by the RNJesus Chr1st to remind y’all that while these things in moderation are fine, a lot of companies and games (cough, cough, loot box controversies) use predatory gambling techniques that tie the part of your brain that loves Overwatch skins to the part of your brain that responds to randomized Pavlovian conditioning!
Product Poems:
Yippee Kayay Mister Falconeer! “Astroneer, you’re mad”!
Broke: Loot Box. Woke: Loot Crate! Woker: Themed backpack for your own loot!
Hashtag Style, Hashtag Chic. Hashtag Sword? Hashtag Neat. Buy it now!
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