Lottie from Animal Crossing. A random character from a game I never played whomst I continue to know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT to this day!
So, why is it my Product Poems (more on that here) on Lottie resulted in a bunch of insane innuendos and nonsequitirs claiming this character is a violently horny man eater? Well, I’ll attempt to tell you in this blog before I share a highlights reel of my questionable-taste Lottie jokes!
Honestly? I have no idea why Lottie specifically, but I do have some theories: For starters, most of my product poems were in a haiku format. I wanted to spice things up with a different formula, so I landed on a “man from Nantucket”-inspired formula because I find it funny… It also happens that Nantucket poem is incredibly salacious and filthy in the best way possible (the version I heard, at least). My picking a Lottie Amiibo’s maiden honor to defile is just a happy coincidence and you’re just gonna have to trust me on that.
With that out the way, hope you enjoy this highlight reel of my best Lottie jokes folks!
There was once a young woman called Aloy, who’s south-end faced west like McCoys! Surely forbidden, so purely well-hidden, till coming under Lottie‘s employ.
“I’m Lottie, please take me… Wait, wha- NO! Not like that, pervert”!
There’s an AMIIBO from Tazmilly Village. With magic so strong, he could pillage! With a thrust and some thunder from somewhere down-under, he caught a glimpse of Lottie’s cleavage.
There was once an AMIIBO called Bowser, called Lucas to talk about flowers. With a hand-each from Lottie, Tom Nook’s favorite totty, they said “let’s give these buds a shower”.
There was once an AMIIBO named Lottie, who Villager found quite the totty. Had a WiFi connection and well-timed erection, but Last of Us 2 still won GOTY.
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