My 9th Week with Go2Games was more of a tiring one, I was a little slower at work given the fact I was pretty unwell (I probably should have asked for sick leave). Nevertheless, I was determined to storm through the week and I did! I am a proud woman. This week was nothing much different from the other weeks.
As usual, I have fun with creativity, trying to find news and write about it. I tend to look on Twitter and follow companies like Nintendo, Sony, Square Enix, Indie Game companies and popular franchises to get news on certain games or companies and what they have planned so I can write about it. While I try my best to do that, I am also happy that our content writing manager sends us blog ideas to go off of, that way if I don’t have an idea for that day, I have a backup plan.
Last week, Thursday through to Friday…I came across Bit Summit who had released their list of 2021 8th Bit games. It was a very long list, but I wanted to be able to create interesting content so I got cracking on that. I had to split the list into two parts because it was so long. The list had 88 games and as a result, each half came up to over a thousand words. That’s because (being the kind human I am) provided our audience with the genre, platforms and dates they are planned to release.
I partially regret starting the process, I decided that next time I may ask for a bit of help if I see a list that long. If anyone would be willing to help me out, that would be a great help. Then we could get more content done in a quicker amount of time and more blogs get posted in the week.
That’s all for this week really. Thank you for reading.