Nintendo Updated Their Animal Crossing Island ‘Ninten’ With New Items
Nintendo’s Island by the name of ‘Ninten’ has finally been updated and while doesn’t look insanely different, Nintendo has added some new animal crossing 2.0 items, such as Gyroids, food items, Nookmile items, ladder set-up kits, custom fencing, furniture and much more. While not much has been changed, it’s nice to see that the island is still being used, maintained and cared for.
Nintendo Lottie Animal Crossing Amiibo
What’s Changed on Nintendo’s Animal Crossing Island?
Lucky for you, we’ve got some screenshots of the island! Here’s what the island looks like nowadays.
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In their Super Mario themed area, Nintendo has made use of the ladder set up kit to make the cliffs a fun part of their obstacle course, while you make your way through from start to finish, Nintendo has made it imperative players make use of the ladders or they can’t make it towards the end.
Here, we can see they’ve made great use of the new food items in Animal Crossing New Horizons, it’s a simple, yet organised farm. The crops grown here includes: Potatoes, Carrots, Sugar Cane, Pumpkins and Tomatoes and wheat.
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This home entrance is interesting as Nintendo has made use of the custom fencing, pot planters and tomato plants to add some colour. This is a very simple, yet effective way to add a little pop to the island. The purple fencing is definitely very unique and would look amazing on any island players that are going for a ‘fairy-core’ island or a purple ‘cottagecore’ island.
Outside of the Museum, they’ve made lovely use of custom designs. The banners on their streetlamps happen to be Tom Nook, one of the most loved NPC’s in the Animal Crossing Franchise. (And before you ask, yes we checked the Museum for Brewster. No, you can’t drink coffee in a dream).
Last, but not least! Gyroids! How could they forget such an important part of Animal Crossing franchise? Sitting on adorable Super Mario themed mushrooms, we have these adorable gyroids that dance in time to the music.
What is Nintendo’s Dream Address code for Animal Crossing New Horizons?
The dream address code for Nintendo’s Island is DA-6382-1459-4417. You can visit the island by sleeping in your bed at home and going to sleep, then you will enter the dream suite. Please note: You need a Nintendo Online Membership to use the dream suite’s features. There you will meet Luna, who will guide you on what to do next. From there, you will type in the dream address code to visit the island.
Ninten Island, the official Nintendo #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons island, has been refreshed with new items and seasonal furniture from the free Ver. 2.0 update!
Visit it today from any bed in your island home using the Dream Address: DA-6382-1459-4417 pic.twitter.com/3tHG47CHGC
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) November 23, 2021
Nintendo’s Animal Crossing New Horizons Island is ‘Simple-Core’.
Which isn’t a bad thing, not to say that it wasn’t hard work to build that island or that it was a ‘simple’ thought process to make.
The island looks fantastic and while it isn’t aesthetically matching by colour, have coordinated symmetry or has a specific island theme they are shooting for, the island perfectly captures the essence of Nintendo, which is creativity, being content with your own ideas. I call it ‘Simple-core’.
Many players have been wrapped around the idea of having the perfect island, trying to have a specific ‘core’ which is amazing to have! However, it’s also good to remember that islands don’t have to be extravagant or themed to be amazing, even the simpler things and just the existence of the player’s creativity is good enough to make the island beautiful.
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